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Asmae Ourkiya

Asmae Ourkiya (They/Them) is the Media and Communications Officer at EGU. They manage press releases, coordinate press participation and the press centre at the EGU General Assembly, and write and manage the EGU blogs. Asmae holds a Ph.D. in queer intersectional ecofeminism from MIC, University of Limerick in Ireland. Their research revolves around climate justice, and promotes inclusion and equality in climate governance.

Hera: A journey to Mars kicks off Earth’s latest defence plan

Hera: A journey to Mars kicks off Earth’s latest defence plan

And what if we could prevent a catastrophe as old as the dinosaurs?… As Hera’s mission launched last month, this blog post aims to give you insights into this mission and why it matters. Continue reading and find out! One of humans’ biggest rebellious acts against insignificance is staring at the sky and wondering what else is out there, then thinking “We can definitely fin ...[Read More]

Was that a meteor or a re-entry ? The final frontier for satellites when their mission ends

Was that a meteor or a re-entry ? The final frontier for satellites when their mission ends

Like humans, satellites have a lifespan. These machines orbiting high above Earth serve various critical purposes that range from monitoring weather systems and tracking greenhouse gases to studying the cosmos. But even the most advanced satellites reach a point when their electronics wear out, their fuel depletes, and their missions come to an end. When their time is up, what becomes of these tir ...[Read More]

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during October!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during October!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we put the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights section. For October, the divisions we are featuring are Division on Energy, Resources and the Environment (ERE) and  Division on Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology (SSP). They are served by the journals: Earth Syste ...[Read More]

Union of Justice report: Why racial justice should be at the core of Europe’s climate action

Union of Justice report: Why racial justice should be at the core of Europe’s climate action

I have had the opportunity last year to contribute to a novel, ground breaking research conducted by the Union of Justice, a European, independent, people of colour (POC) led organisation dedicated to racial justice and climate justice. The full report is live now and I am writing this blog post about it because I strongly believe that it is a must-read for anybody who would even wonder why racism ...[Read More]