Only a few days to go until EGU22, our first ever hybrid meeting, and the first time we’re back on-site in Vienna after two years! While some of you will be joining us virtually, our in-person attendees may be wondering what to do if they feel unwell or test positive for COVID-19 during EGU22. We understand that even reading about this can cause ample anxiety or stress, but knowledge is power, remember? At EGU we believe it is better to be prepared if you find yourself in such a situation, so we can address it together – responsibly and in time!
Read on for answers to some of the important ‘what if’ scenarios related to COVID-19 at the conference.
What if I feel unwell during EGU22?
If you start to feel unwell at any point during EGU22, even without a positive COVID-19 test, please put the wellbeing of your fellow attendees first, and refrain from attending the meeting in-person. If you do test positive for COVID-19, we ask that you inform us as soon as possible by emailing: covid-test-result@egu.eu. Your information will be completely confidential and only read by one EGU staff person. But letting us know immediately will allow us to monitor the general state of the meeting.
Participants who test positive (and will stay in Vienna) are asked to call 1450 (+431450 for foreign phones) to receive further instructions from the Austrian authorities. Further information on 1450 is available here.
What if I can no longer attend the meeting on-site?
Despite EGU’s hygiene plan guidelines, if you do unfortunately fall ill or test positive for COVID-19, this shouldn’t disrupt your access to the meeting too much. All attendees with an on-site registration can also attend the meeting with full access virtually; we encourage you to take advantage of this flexible option. If you are a presenting author and have not yet presented your abstract, please get in touch with your session convener as soon as possible to inform them of the change of format of your presentation, or your intention to withdraw. You do not need to disclose the reason for your change of presentation format.
What if Austria changes its COVID-19 regulations?
Recently, as of May 16, 2022, the Austrian Government lifted the “3-G” rule (vaccinated/recovered or tested) for arrivals to the country. BUT this does not change the entry requirements for EGU22 participants at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV). To enter the ACV, you must be a pre-registered attendee who meets the ‘2G’ rule for vaccination or recovery from COVID-19. 2G is a shorthand in German-speaking countries for geimpft (meaning vaccinated) and genesen (meaning recovered). More detailed information about these requirements can be found in our previous blog.
What if I wish to explore Vienna during the EGU22 week?
We encourage our on-site attendees to spend their free time exploring the beautiful city of Vienna and all that it has to offer! Here are the updated COVID-19 rules for travelling around the city:
- FFP2 masks are only mandatory on public transport (including at train stations and airports), when using taxis and in essentials shops (e.g. supermarkets, post offices and pharmacies).
- Children under the age of 6 are exempt, those from 6 to 13 can wear a regular mask while FFP2 masks are mandatory from the age of 14.
- FFP2 masks are not mandatory on coaches, excursion boats, cable cars and ski lifts.
- The rules apply to all regions including Vienna.
Click here for updated information on city trips, museums, and events in Vienna.
What if I want to schedule an EGU22 event off-site (out of the ACV)?
Yes, you most certainly can! This year, our on-site attendees will have far more outdoor spaces available to them at the meeting, including terraces on the blue and purple levels, and the nearby park. You can book your event slot on the pop-up scheduler’s ‘off-site’ option, which will be available to all EGU22 attendees on the conference programme.
You can also head off-site to get yourself some delicious food, which comes recommended by the Viennese Tourist Guide. Check out their handy map of all the places you can go to eat within walking distance of the ACV: Viennese Tourism Board- Restaurants Near the ACV
We hope you find this blog helpful, and feel free to share it with your colleagues and peers who are also attending EGU22. Working together we can all make sure to have a safe and enjoyable meeting, despite the current challenges. We look forward to seeing you next week!