For the second year there will be a photo competition at the EGU General Assembly. Last year’s winner, along with 2nd and 3rd place can be seen on the EGU GA 2010 Photo Competition page. The winning photograph “Patterns in the Void” from Christian Klepp is also below.
You can submit UP TO TWO photos until FRIDAY 11 March 2011 at the Imaggeo Photo Competition Submission Page. However, you must be pre-registered for the EGU GA 2011 to submit photos. Further details are available from the Submission Page, copied below.
Copyright: If you submit your images to the EGU2011 photo competition, you also are submitting the photos to the EGU Photo Database, Imaggeo. Imaggeo is the online open access geosciences image repository of the European Geosciences Union. Being open access (see copyright/terms and conditions), it can be used by scientists for their presentations or publications as well as by the press. If you submit your images to Imaggeo, you retain full rights of use, since they are licensed and distributed by EGU under a Creative Commons licence. If a winning entry, you also agree for the photo to be exhibited at the EGU GA 2011 in Vienna 03-08 April 2011.
Format: The photo should be in jpg, tif, png or gif format. For 4:3 pictures, the resolution should be 1500 X 1125 pixels minimum. Pictures in the format 3:2 should be 1800 X 1200 pixels minimum. Maximum file size is 100 Mb.

Patterns in the Void. Image by Christian Klepp distributed by EGU under a Creative Commons licence.