From Dick van der Wateren and the editors of EGU Today
We have recently seen the worst attack on science in ages. The hacking incident at the University of East Anglia set off a worldwide scandal, with climate scientists being accused of fraud and sceptics having a field day. Despite the complete and explicit rehabilitation of Phil Jones et al., the impression remains that scientists are dilly-dallying frauds. Clearly, scientists are vulnerable to attacks by laymen oblivious to scientific truth.
The aftermath is worrying. If we are sceptical about the causes and extent of global warming – “Science is simply organised scepticism.” (the Observer’s Robin McKie) – tampering with the atmosphere is risky business. These worries have led us to invite five people to write a daily column for EGU Today “Science under Fire”. We invite you to join the discussion on the blog and Twitter pages @DickEGUPress and @egu2010.
Hope to meet you in blogosphere.
The editors of EGU Today
Anne Martens, Andrew Gilman, Armand van Wijck and Dick van der Wateren