Solar-Terrestrial Sciences

ST-Early Career Scientist team 2024-2025

ST-Early Career Scientist team 2024-2025

We are a group of Early Career Scientists (ECSs) from the Solar-Terrestrial (ST) division, dedicated to organizing events and activities for ST-ECSs both during the EGU General Assembly and throughout the year. Our goal is to enhance ECS visibility and create valuable networking opportunities.

Currently the team is formed by:


Dr. Liliana Macotela, ECS Representative


Liliana is a senior researcher at the Norwegian Research Centre in Tromsø, Norway. Her research focuses on Situational Space Awareness, particularly in the areas of space debris and the solar influence on Earth’s ionosphere.



Dr. Veronika Haberle, ECS Co-representative

Veronika is a postdoctoral researcher at the Conrad Observatory at GeoSphere, Austria. She studies the effects of space weather on the geomagnetic field and its impact on technological infrastructures, including power grids. Additionally, she is actively involved in enhancing coordination within the space weather end-user community in Europe.


Andreas Wagner, ECS team member

Andreas is a doctoral researcher at both the University of Helsinki and KU Leuven. He is currently completing his PhD and will continue as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki. His research focuses on the early-stage evolution of solar magnetic flux ropes, specifically developing methods to extract these magnetic structures from simulation data. He analyzes their basic properties and examines how they lose stability, leading to solar eruptions.


Chaitanya Sishtla, ECS team member

Chaitanya is a postdoctoral researcher at Queen Mary University of London, UK. His current research focuses on studying the impact of boundary conditions on space weather forecasting and improving models for turbulent energy cascade in simulations of the solar corona.


Chukwuma Anoruo, ECS team member

Chukwuma is a doctoral researcher at the Laboratório de Física e Astronomia (UNIVAP) in São Paulo, Brazil. He uses GNSS data to study the coupling between the magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere (MIT) through traveling Ionospheric disturbances (TID).


Ezgi Gülay, ECS team member

Ezgi is a doctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Her research focuses on magnetic switchbacks and their potential contribution to the open flux problem. 


Juliana Jaen, ECS team member

Juliana is a research associate in atmospheric dynamics at the University of Bath, UK. She studies the dynamics of the middle atmosphere, with a focus on the role of gravity waves in atmospheric trends and their interactions with external phenomena, such as solar activity and other atmospheric processes


Mrittika Ghosh, ECS team member


Mrittika is a doctoral student at Charles University in Prague, Czechia. She studies the magnetopause dynamics and their effect on space weather.  




Shreedevi P. R., ECS team member

Shree is a Designated Assistant Professor at the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University, Japan. Her research focuses on the energetic coupling between the Sun and Earth, utilizing both ground- and space-based observations, as well as numerical modeling. 




Finally, we’d like to remind you that we’re organizing a campfire this spring and networking activities for EGU GA25. If you’d like to join our ST drinks (Sunday before the GA), ST picnic (Monday during the GA), and ST ECS dinner (Wednesday during the GA), stay updated through our blog (, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Slack workspace (contact to be added) for more details!

This guest post was contributed by a scientist, student or a professional in the Earth, planetary or space sciences. The EGU blogs welcome guest contributions, so if you've got a great idea for a post or fancy trying your hand at science communication, please contact the blog editor or the EGU Communications Officer to pitch your idea.

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