Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology

Marta Marchegiano

Marta is an early career postdoc researcher at the Analytical, Environmental and Geo-Chemistry research unit at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium). Her research focusses on the development of a new paleothermometer for lacustrine environments that involves the application of the carbonate clumped isotope technique (∆47) on small crustacea shells (ostracods). This new tool provides a direct insight in carbonate temperature precipitation that is directly linked to atmospheric temperature. The reconstruction of temperatures is of primary importance to validate the modelling of future climate changes and to design possible mitigation strategies. However, to accurately predict future climates, the forcing-mechanisms behind climate variability at different temporal and geographical scales need to be better understood, and the modelling of forecasted changes with ancient analogues validated. Currently, understanding of the impact of past global climatic changes at regional scale remains limited and its reconstruction challenging because of the large environmental variability on the continents. The new ostracod-∆47 opens new possibilities to continental quantitative past temperature and precipitation reconstructions.

International Continental Scientific Drilling Program Workshops – How they work and why they provide fascinating experiences and perspectives, especially for early career scientists

International Continental Scientific Drilling Program Workshops – How they work and why they provide fascinating experiences and perspectives, especially for early career scientists

Thanks to the novelty and potential of my research focus (a paleothermometer for lacustrine environments based on the application of the carbonate clumped isotope technique on small crustacea shells (ostracods)) that provides insights into atmospheric temperatures of the past, I was selected by the committees of three International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) workshops. The aim ...[Read More]