

The 2014 Outstanding Student Poster Award

The 2014 Outstanding Student Poster Awards is awarded to Men-Andrin Meier for the poster entitled: A Filter Bank Approach to Earthquake Early Warning. Find out more in an interview with Men-Andrin on SeismoBlog.

EGU Election Autumn 2014

You are invited to take part in the EGU Election Autumn 2014. You have the opportunity to vote for the next EGU Treasurer and Division Presidents. All candidates, their CVs and statements, as well as your electronic ballot paper can be found at: Please note that your electronic ballot paper key is unique and it will be in ...[Read More]

Follow the ongoing L’Aquila appeal

The seismological community is anxious with the ongoing court proceedings against fellow Italian seismologist with regards to the 6th April 2009 L’Aquila earthquake. The news of seismologists guilty of manslaughter was major news for the entire world (e.g., BBC) and condemnation came in fast (e.g., The Guardian, EOS, AGU). Internal discussions between scientists are still very active during ...[Read More]

EGU2015: Call-for-Papers

EGU is very pleased to announce the start of the Abstract submission for the EGU General Assembly 2015 (EGU2015), 12 Apr 2015 – 17 Apr 2015, Vienna, Austria. The sessions are now online: Submitting an abstract is intuitive: For each session there is a link Abstract Submission followed by logging in the system. Abstracts may be s ...[Read More]