

First TIDES Training school on Seismic Data

A, not-to-miss, training school for PhD students and young seismologists. Full information is provided on the website First TIDES Training school on Seismic Data Bertinoro (FC) Italy June 1-5 2015 Application form deadline: March 31, 2015 In the framework of COST Action TIDES (TIme-DEpendent Seismology) — a network of 19 European countries supported by the COST Association, we ...[Read More]

An interesting read about Inge Lehmann

Inge Lehmann lived a long life from May 13th, 1888 to February 21st, 1993. She was a Danish seismologist who discovered the Earth’s inner core. In 1936 she postulated from existing seismic data that the Earth’s core is not a single molten sphere, but that an inner core exists, which has physical properties that are different from those in the outer core. A recent tribute has been publi ...[Read More]

EGU 2015 Imaggeo Photo Competition

The deadline for the EGU 2015 Imaggeo Photo Competition is fast approaching! If you are pre-registered for the 2015 General Assembly (Vienna, 12 -17 April), you can take part in our annual photo competition! Winners receive a free registration to next year’s General Assembly! But hurry, there are only a few days left to enter! How to participate: You will need to register on Imaggeo to upload your ...[Read More]

GPlates short course @ EGU – Make your own plate-tectonic reconstructions

A dedicated short course on the use of the software GPlates will be held at this years’ EGU. GPlates is a “desktop software for the interactive visualisation of plate-tectonics“. It offers a “combination of interactive plate-tectonic reconstructions, geographic information system functionality and raster data visualisation“. GPlates is an open-source software running ...[Read More]