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EGU Seismology ECS Team

We are a team coming from mixed places with various interests: Dinko is a PostDoc at the University of Zagreb and is the first point of contact for the group. Angel is doing her DPhil at ETH Zurich in Switzerland and is managing our Instagram account. Bruna is doing her DPhill in DIAS, Dublin and takes care of our Twitter account. David is a PostDoc at the University of Lisbon and is spearheading the Campfires. Andreas is pursuing his PhD at Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich and is helping run the blog. William is a PhD student at the University of Southampton in the UK and is also helping with the blogs. Katinka is a PhD student at ETH Zurich and is also on the blog team. Foivos is our newest member and is a PostDoc at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) in Bologna. Matthew is finishing up his PhD at Oxford University, UK, and is editor of the blogs.

Celebrate Earth Day with the Deep Earth Explorers!

Celebrate Earth Day with the Deep Earth Explorers!

Happy Earth Day 2022! To celebrate this event in a slightly different way, EGU Seismology blog editor Matthew Kemp thought he’d go on a journey to the centre of the Earth, and highlight the work of the Deep Earth Explorers… Back in March 2020, Professor Sanne Cottaar‘s Deep Earth seismology group at the University of Cambridge, UK, unveiled their new exhibit “Deep Earth Exp ...[Read More]

SENSORChat: Go with the UPFLOW – detecting powerful motions deep within Earth’s interior

SENSORChat: Go with the UPFLOW – detecting powerful motions deep within Earth’s interior

“SENSOR” – stands for Seismological Experiments, Network Systems, Observations and Recovery In this blog series, curated by Chiara Civiero, we share news about recent or upcoming seismic experiments around the globe! Could you explain what your project is about? While downward mantle flow (subduction) is well constrained, a grand challenge in Earth sciences is to understand mid-plate, deep upward ...[Read More]

“State of the ECS”: What to do in 2022?

“State of the ECS”: What to do in 2022?

Hello all, Matthew here wishing you a very Happy New Year! A new year provides an opportunity for a fresh start, a chance to reflect on the past and look to the future. I don’t know about you, but 2021 was a rather mixed bag for me, with strict lockdowns gradually fading into freedoms (and back again…). 2022 still holds many uncertainties, but I do hope that as a community we can come together aga ...[Read More]