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EGU Seismology ECS Team

We are a team coming from mixed places with various interests: Dinko is a PostDoc at the University of Zagreb and is the first point of contact for the group. Angel is doing her DPhil at ETH Zurich in Switzerland and is managing our Instagram account. Bruna is doing her DPhill in DIAS, Dublin and takes care of our Twitter account. David is a PostDoc at the University of Lisbon and is spearheading the Campfires. Andreas is pursuing his PhD at Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich and is helping run the blog. William is a PhD student at the University of Southampton in the UK and is also helping with the blogs. Katinka is a PhD student at ETH Zurich and is also on the blog team. Foivos is our newest member and is a PostDoc at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) in Bologna. Matthew is finishing up his PhD at Oxford University, UK, and is editor of the blogs.

“State of the ECS”: How was EGU 22 for you? Plus the new team!

“State of the ECS”: How was EGU 22 for you? Plus the new team!

Hello everyone! Hope you’re doing well, and that those of you who managed to make it to Vienna have now recovered, and that normal researcher life has now resumed (and isn’t too dull in comparison!) We hope you enjoyed all that the EGU GA had on offer, and that you were able to make it to some of the Seismology ECS events. I was very sad that I couldn’t be in two places at once s ...[Read More]

Dungeons and Dragons (and Dinosaurs and Displacements…!)

Dungeons and Dragons (and Dinosaurs and Displacements…!)

This week we’re looking back to a highlight of the Seismology team’s EGU21 output – Dinosaurs & Displacements! So if you’re watching the Dungeons & Dragons sessions in the new season of Stranger Things on Netflix, and think it could do with a big more geoscience, look no further than this blog by the Dungeon Masters Lars Gebraad and Maria Tsekhmistrenko… It’s ...[Read More]

Seismology Division Events for EGU22

Seismology Division Events for EGU22

Hello fellow seismologists! After two years the Generally Assembly is finally back in Vienna and we are looking forward to reconnecting with the Seismology Division at EGU22. Through this blogpost we would like to bring your attention to the events that are organized by the Seismology Division and ECS Representatives of the Seismology Division during EGU22. Note that all times are CEST, and links ...[Read More]

“State of the ECS”: It’s that time of year again – EGU 22!

“State of the ECS”: It’s that time of year again – EGU 22!

Hello everyone! Matthew here, writing this as I’m on my way to my first in-person conference in over two years. Speaking of first in-person conferences in over two years… EGU 22 is fast approaching, and the excitement is palpable! Your friendly, multi-neighbourhood EGU Seismology Division ECS Reps (bit of a mouthful) have pulled together a few thoughts on their hopes and dreams for this year ...[Read More]