On this page, we regularly update open positions in Seismology for early career scientists. Do you have a job on offer? Contact us at ecs-sm@egu.eu
Please, note that other available research positions are displayed on the EGU Jobs Portal.
Latest open positions:
Two year PostDoc at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore: A geological approach to quantifying hazard from rising seas and earthquakes.
Fully-funded PhD at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore: A geological approach to quantifying hazard from rising seas and earthquakes.
PostDoc fellow at University of Alaska Fairbanks, US: Planetary seismology.
Young Research Fellow at JAMSTEC, Japan: Independent research topic.
M.S. and PhD opportunities at New Mexico Tech, US: An environmental seismology funded project of data collection and analysis of seismic, hydrologic, and geomorphic data along two ephemeral streams, one in New Mexico and one in Israel.
Postdoc position at Caltech, US: Distributed Acoustic Sensing.
Three year postdoctoral appointee at Sandia National Laboratories, US: Exploring the Arctic Ocean environment using distributed acoustic sensing.
Geophysicist/Senior Scientist at Geological Survey of Finland (GTK): Processing and interpretation of seismic reflection data, planning and implementation of various seismic and other geophysical surveys.
Senior precision electronics specialist at California Geological Survey, US: Planning, organizing, and directing the work of the technicians in the installation, organization and maintenance of earthquake accelerometers and seismic recording equipment at ground response stations, in buildings, dams, and at other sites throughout the state.
Computational Seismologist at Livermore, CA: Develop and apply advanced computational seismology methods to non-proliferation and national security problems.
Two postdoctoral scholar positions at school of Earth and Sustainability at Northern Arizona University, US: Geophysics faculty and graduate students collect, analyze and interpret novel geophysical datasets on land and at sea around the world to address fundamental problems in Earth Science.
Associate Model Analyst at New Delhi, India: Associate Model Analysts will be hired into the Model Specialist team to be responsible for supporting both RMS clients and colleagues across the globe in their successful usage and understanding of the full suite of RMS catastrophe models and associated data products.
Seismic analyst at New Mexico Bureau of Geology, US: To support the manager of the New Mexico Tech Seismological Observatory with the goal of documenting and understanding seismicity occurring in New Mexico.
Tenure Track at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, US: WHOI seek to hire at the Assistant Scientist level; however, extraordinary candidates may be considered at Associate Scientist without Tenure, Associate Scientist with Tenure, or Senior Scientist levels.
R&D Computer Scientist at Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, US: Utilizing state-of-the-art facilities to explore solutions.
Systems Administrator/Developer at Caltech, Pasadena, US: Administer and improve state-of-the-art high-availability LINUX based systems.