A new season just started – EGU 2017 abstract submission season! (http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2017/sessionprogramme). Since the 20th of October you can submit your abstracts to one or more of the many seismology sessions. Believe it or not but we counted 75 sessions that are related to seismology. Wow! We are all very excited to scroll through the programme and daydream about the talks we will hear and posters we will see in April next year.
We all know that in general abstract submission is sometimes more of a last minute thing, but being a bit earlier this time might have some advantages. Firstly, you can enjoy the time before and after Christmas without any abstract writing stress. And secondly, which might be even better, you can apply for financial support for the conference if you submit by the 1st of Dec (http://egu2017.eu/financial_support.html). Whatever you plan on doing, submitting early or at the last second, it is a good idea to already have a look now at the programme to get an idea what EGU has to offer in 2017.
Reading all 75 session abstracts might take a while, so better hurry and get a head start on the session discovery. This is especially true if your abstract fits into more than one session. The SM sessions are divided into 10 different groups:
- SM1 – General seismology sessions
- SM2 – Earthquake sources
- SM3 – Engineering seismology & probabilistic seismic hazard
- SM4 – Seismic imaging across scales (from near-surface to global scale, including methodological developments)
- SM5 – Seismic instrumentation & infrastructure
- SM6 – Deformation, faulting, and earthquake processes (including. seismotectonics, geodynamics, earthquake source physics)
- SM7 – Computational & theoretical seismology
- SM8 – Crustal fluids & seismic activity (including. induced & triggered seismicity, volcano seismology)
- SM9 – Real-time seismology & early warning
- SM10 – Co-organized sessions
Now it’s your turn! Scroll through the programme, be amazed and submit your contribution!
This post has been edited by Kathrin Spieker, Lucia Gualtieri, Laura Ermert and Matthew Agius.