The European Geosciences Union is pleased to announce the start of the abstract submission for the EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), 17–22 Apr 2016, Vienna, Austria. You are cordially invited to browse through the sessions at: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2016/sessionprogramme
Each session shows the Abstract Submission link. Using this link you are asked to log in to the Copernicus Office Meeting Organizer. You may submit the text of your contribution as plain text, LaTeX, or MS Word content. An Abstract Processing Charge (APC) of €40.00 gross (€33.61 net) is levied.
Detailed information on how to submit an abstract can be found at: http://egu2016.eu//abstract_management/how_to_submit_an_abstract.html
The deadline for the receipt of abstracts is 13 Jan 2016, 13:00 CET.
A limited amount of the overall budget of the conference is reserved to assist early carrier scientists in attending the conference. Financial support includes a registration fee waiver and a refund of the Abstract Processing Charge (APC) related to the abstract for which support was requested. Additionally, financial assistance towards travel expenditures may be provided at the discretion of the support selection committee to a maximum of €300.
This award includes a free registration together with a refund of the APC related to the abstract for which support was requested. Depending on the decision of the Support Committee, additional financial support for the travel expenditures with a maximum of €300 could be granted as well.
Furthermore, a very limited amount of the overall budget of the conference is reserved for assisting established scientists from low, lower middle, and upper middle income countries.
For more information about support please read http://egu2016.eu/support_and_destinction.html
In case you would like to apply for support, please submit no later than 1st of December 2015.