The European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014 is less than a week away. Here are some information you might find useful.
REGISTRATION: Pick up your name badge from Hall Z (from the forecourt of the congress centre Austria Centre Vienna – ACV) by simply providing your Copernicus Office User ID at the Name Badge Pickup counters. Remember your name badge will be printed containing also your local transportation ticket (valid from Monday to Friday). In addition, you will receive a programme and schedule book as well as an abstract and programme on a USB flash drive.
Registration will be open on Sunday, 27th April, 12:00-20:00, from Monday 28th to Thursday 1st of May 08:00-18:00, and on Friday 2nd May 08:00-12:00.
GET ORGANISED: Organise yourself beforehand, generating your own Personal Programme Organise yourself even better. Make use of the dedicated mobile phone application. The EGU2014 app for iPhones and Android smartphones is available at:
Sunday 27th April, 18:30–21:00
Icebreaker: This event is open for everyone attending the Assembly. There will also be a spot especially for young scientists – the “Young Scientists Meeting Corner” (Rooms Y1/Y4). So, if you’re coming alone, or if it’s your first time, you’re sure to find a few like-minded fellows! At EGU 2014 we’ll also be introducing a young scientists’ lounge – a place where you can take a break, grab a coffee and gather your thoughts away from the buzz of the conference. The lounge (on the Red Level of the conference centre) is also a great place to catch up with colleagues you haven’t seen in a while, or start up a conversation with someone new, and it provides a great meeting point to launch your evening’s activities.
Tuesday 29th April, 12:15–13:15 / Room R13
Young Scientist Forum: During EGU 2013 we held a series of YS forums to find out what you’d like to see in future conferences, and what you would like us to do more of throughout the year. This year, we’re holding a similar event (with lunch provided) on Tuesday 29th April. Find out more about it at
Wednesday 30th April, 11:00-12:00 / Room G11

Beno Gutenberg
This medal has been established by the Division on Seismology in recognition of the scientific achievements of Beno Gutenberg. It is reserved for individuals in recognition of their outstanding contributions to Seismology.

Gregory Beroza
This year the medal award goes to is Greg Beroza. He will also give a lecture on ‘Predicting Strong Ground Motion from Weak Ground Motion‘ on Wednesday, 30th April, 11:00-12:00 / Room G11.
For more information about Greg Beroza click here:
Wednesday 30th April, 12:15–13:15 / Room G3
SEISMOLOGY DIVISION MEETING: Seismologists, particularly young scientists, attending the EGU2014 are invited to attend. All tasks and initiatives of the seismology division are discussed during the meeting. Meeting will be accompanied by food and drinks.
Thursday 1st May, 15:45-16:30 / Room EGU Booth
MEET THE PRESIDENT: Meet the EGU Division President of Seismology Charlotte Krawczyk as part of the ‘Meet EGU’ series. Take the opportunity to meet and share ideas with the Seismology Division President in a casual environment.
Young Scientist representative: The Young Scientist representative for the Seismology Division will be visiting as many Young Scientist’s posters as possible during the Seismology Division sessions to introduce himself, learn about your research, discuss Young Scientists issues and perhaps take a few photographs of you in action explaining your poster.
PICO: bridging the gap between oral and poster presentations. Check the concept and the schedules at:
EGU TODAY: Daily issues of EGU Today, your guide to conference highlights, will also be distributed during the meeting. Pick up a copy on your way into the ACV, or check the latest issue online at:
First-timer at EGU: Here is a nice guide for first-timer’s attending the 2014 EGU General Assembly: We hope it would be a pleasant experience and that it would be an annual event on your calendar.