EGU Blogs


Soil System Sciences

Monday paper: Soil organic carbon dynamics of black locust plantations in the middle Loess Plateau area of China

Lu, N., Liski, J., Chang, R. Y., Akujärvi, A., Wu, X., Jin, T. T., Wang, Y. F., Fu, B. J. 2013. Soil organic carbon dynamics of black locust plantations in the middle Loess Plateau area of China. Biogeosciences 10, 7053-7063. DOI: 10.5194/bg-10-7053-2013 Abstract Soil organic carbon (SOC) is the largest terrestrial carbon pool and sensitive to land use and cover change; its dynamics are critical f ...[Read More]

Soil System Sciences

Monday paper: Grassland fire effect on soil organic carbon reservoirs in a semiarid environment

Novara, A., Gristina, L., Rühl, J., Pasta, S., D’Angelo, G., La Mantia, T., Pereira, P. 2013. Grassland fire effect on soil organic carbon reservoirs in a semiarid environment. Solid Earth 4, 381-385. DOI: 10.5194/se-4-381-2013 Abstract The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of an experimental fire used for grassland management on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. The study was c ...[Read More]


The EGU photo contest

Are you out and about taking photos during fieldwork? Or, simply good at taking interesting photos? The EGU runs a photo contest for all the participant pre-registered for the EGU General Assembly. Submissions are open up until 1 March. All finalists will receive a book of their choice from the EGU library, and the winners get to win a free registration to next year’s General Assembly. Check out a ...[Read More]

Soil System Sciences

Monday paper: Statistical analysis and modelling of surface runoff from arable fields in central Europe

Fiener, P., Auerswald, K., Winter, F., Disse, M. 2013. Statistical analysis and modelling of surface runoff from arable fields in central Europe. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17, 4121-4132. DOI: 10.5194/hess-17-4121-2013 Abstract Surface runoff generation on arable fields is an important driver of flooding, on-site and off-site damages by erosion, and of nutrient and agrochemical transport. ...[Read More]

Soil System Sciences

Monday paper: Changes in soil carbon sequestration in Pinus massoniana forests along an urban-to-rural gradient of southern China

Chen, H., Zhang, W., Gilliam, F., Liu, L., Huang, J., Zhang, T., Wang, W., Mo, J. 2013.  Changes in soil carbon sequestration inPinus massoniana forests along an urban-to-rural gradient of southern China. Biogeosciences 10, 6609-6616. DOI: 10.5194/bg-10-6609-2013 Abstract Urbanization is accelerating globally, causing a variety of environmental changes such as increases in air temperature, precipi ...[Read More]


Earthquake lights

A very interesting article about earthquake lights has been published in this month Seismological Research Letters. Earthquake lights are an aerial phenomenon when unusual light is seen just above the ground or high up in the sky before and/or during an earthquak. Mysterious lights in the sky have been a sensation ever since but their appearance has long had baseless explanations suggesting either ...[Read More]

Soil System Sciences

Monday paper: Changes in soil carbon stocks in Brazil due to land use: paired site comparisons and a regional pasture soil survey

Assad, E. D., Pinto, H. S., Martins, S. C., Groppo, J. D., Salgado, P. R., Evangelista, B., Vasconcellos, E., Sano, E. E., Pavão, E., Luna, R., Camargo, P. B., Martinelli, L. A. 2013. Changes in soil carbon stocks in Brazil due to land use: paired site comparisons and a regional pasture soil survey. Biogeosciences 10, 6141-6160. DOI: 10.5194/bg-10-6141-2013 Abstract In this paper we calculated soi ...[Read More]

Soil System Sciences

EGU2014 SSS Best Flyer Award

It’s time to vote for your favourite EGU2014 SSS flyer! Votes will be received until March 31st 2014 (votes after that deadline will not be included). You can access the contest rules here: What’s your fav? Vote at:


Webcam interview: Philipp Kempf

This week we interview Philipp Kempf, a 28 years old PhD student at the Renard Centre of Marine Geology at Ghent University in Belgium. His research focuses on paleo-tsunami deposits within coastal lakes with a special focus at the Chilean coast. Philipp Kempf is the winner of the 2013 Outstanding Student Poster Award for the poster entitled: 1960 Valdivia earthquake tsunami deposits from two coas ...[Read More]

Soil System Sciences

Soils going red: Terra rossa

The term “terra rossa” comes from the Italian for “red soil” or “red earth”. Although terra rossa exists in other places in the world, these soils are common in areas with Mediterranean-type climates: alternation of a rainy and cool-to warm-dry season. The terra rossa soil is heavy and clay-rich (silty-clay to clayey) soil, strongly reddish, developed on limesto ...[Read More]