After some technical teething problems on Monday morning (honestly is it even an online conference without technical difficulities?) we’re extra eager to get stuck into some of the amazing science being presented today. As with all the sessions so far, most of the presenters have uploaded display materials to accompany their presentations which range from posters to full length recorded talks, so ...[Read More]
vEGU21: Monday GMPV highlights
Welcome to vEGU21 week 2! If you are a GMPVer, this will be a solid and interesting week of presentations. Each presenter will talk for two minutes, then there will be breakout text chats, and simultaneous live video chats. So be ready to be thinking about 7 things at once… No idea where to go or what to do? Try out this itinerary (all times in CEST): After a hearty breakfast of whatever you ...[Read More]
Geology Bites. – Podcast conversations about Geology
Podcast conversations about geology with researchers making key contributions to our understanding of the Earth and the Solar System Since you are reading an EGU Blog, you must already know how remarkable the field of geology is. The subject matter stretches the imagination – with its almost cosmological timescales, processes operating on scales from the atomic to the continental, and unima ...[Read More]
Interview with an ECR AGU2020 Convener – Dr. Penny Wieser
A few months ago, after AGU2020, I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Penny Wieser. Penny is an igneous petrologist and volcanologist with broad research interests and a substantial scientific record. Upon obtaining the undergraduate and masters degree in Earth Sciences at the University of Oxford, she pursued a PhD at the University of Cambridge, which was finished last year. She is now a post- ...[Read More]