18 May 1971. This date may not mean anything to you at the moment, but it represents a very special day for the evolution of Mount Etna, leaving a deep mark in the recent eruptive activity of the volcano. Exactly 50 years ago, Mount Etna saw the birth of what, only a short time later, was to become the most active crater of the last decades: “The South-East Crater”, the fourth child of ...[Read More]
vEGU21: Friday highlights
vEGU21 is slowly coming to an end! We are looking back to a week full of interesting science and an extraordinary Monday which will surely go into EGU history (a great thank you again to all the conveners and organizers who tried to make the best out of the situation, you did a great job 👏). Even though it’s the last conference day and everyone is slowly getting exhausted there are some great sess ...[Read More]
vEGU21: Thursday highlights
It’s Thursday, and vEGU Week 2 is almost gone. But we are here, again, to make things easier for you! So, suggestions for the day: let’s start at 11.45 CEST by knowing more about “Volcano-glacier interactions: Arctic, Antarctic, and globally”, session GMPV9.4 (does Eyjafjallajökull sound familiar?). Here, Lamb et al. will introduce us to icequakes on Chilean volcanoes with the vPICO “Discriminatin ...[Read More]
vEGU21: Wednesday highlights
Ready for another day of science? Make sure you’ve filled up on snacks and sugar, because a new exciting day of volcanoes, geochemistry, petrography, and mineralogy awaits you. Get a full load of energy because the morning starts explosively (09:00-10:30 – CEST) with Magma ascent, degassing and eruptive dynamics, in GMPV9.6. (link) Where you can understand more about eruptive processes walki ...[Read More]