Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Differentiation and storage of magmas at crustal-mantle boundary depth: linking experiments, models and field observations

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Differentiation and storage of magmas at crustal-mantle boundary depth: linking experiments, models and field observations

It’s slowly getting winter in Europe and everybody is slowly starting to finish everything left to do within this year. One thing you shouldn’t forget is to think about an abstract for #EGU22 – the deadline is just within the new year (12. January 2022). But which is the perfect session to accomodate the great science you performed during this year? If you are working on magma ch ...[Read More]

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Interior-Surface-Atmosphere Volatile Exchange on Earth and Other Terrestrial (Exo)planets

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Interior-Surface-Atmosphere Volatile Exchange on Earth and Other Terrestrial (Exo)planets

The #EGU22 abstract submission deadline is approaching surprisingly fast – only 6 weeks are left until you have to decide to which of our many great sessions you want to submit your abstract! But which session will be the best one to fit your research? We will try to help you make this decision by highlighting some of our GMPV sessions within the next weeks! Today in the spotlight, session P ...[Read More]

Exploring parachute science in analytical geoscience

Crater lakes, Kelimutu Volcano, Indonesia.

During this past October, a team of researchers took part in a “hackathon” organised by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to generate data and new ideas to increase diversity in geoscience. This was an extremely hectic, sometimes stressful but fun and illuminating experience which ultimately culminated in a pilot funding bid (which we learned this week has been successful!). Our i ...[Read More]

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Volcanic hydrothermal systems and hydrothermal alteration

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Volcanic hydrothermal systems and hydrothermal alteration

The abstract submission for the General Assembly in 2022 is open now! Our colleagues from the organization were very engaged and we are more than happy to share that the EGU22 is aimed to take place in a hybrid version! To celebrate this opportunity we will highlight some of our many GMPV sessions in the course of the next few weeks, to give everyone a broad overview of the amazing sessions EGU22 ...[Read More]