Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology


#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Volcano-glacier interactions: Arctic, Antarctic, and globally

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Volcano-glacier interactions: Arctic, Antarctic, and globally

The #EGU22 abstract submission is almost here – less than a week until it closes on January 12th at 13:00 CET. So it is time to wrap up our sessions in the spotlight with a last highlight – the interdisciplianry session GMPV9.3 “Volcano-glacier interactions: Arctic, Antarctic, and globally“. This session is organized by a diverse team consisting of Eva Eibl, Iestyn Barr, Ad ...[Read More]

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Mass transfer in subduction zones: Metamorphism, fluids, and melts

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Mass transfer in subduction zones: Metamorphism, fluids, and melts

How to better start the new year than with submitting your abstract to #EGU22? In case you still did not find the right session yet, we have another great session in the spotlight today – GMPV 2.2 “Mass transfer in subduction zones: Metamorphism, fluids, and melts“, which focusses on the fundamental role fluid and melt expulsion from the slab plays in subduction zones. This inter ...[Read More]

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Differentiation and storage of magmas at crustal-mantle boundary depth: linking experiments, models and field observations

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Differentiation and storage of magmas at crustal-mantle boundary depth: linking experiments, models and field observations

It’s slowly getting winter in Europe and everybody is slowly starting to finish everything left to do within this year. One thing you shouldn’t forget is to think about an abstract for #EGU22 – the deadline is just within the new year (12. January 2022). But which is the perfect session to accomodate the great science you performed during this year? If you are working on magma ch ...[Read More]

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Interior-Surface-Atmosphere Volatile Exchange on Earth and Other Terrestrial (Exo)planets

#EGU22 session in the spotlight: Interior-Surface-Atmosphere Volatile Exchange on Earth and Other Terrestrial (Exo)planets

The #EGU22 abstract submission deadline is approaching surprisingly fast – only 6 weeks are left until you have to decide to which of our many great sessions you want to submit your abstract! But which session will be the best one to fit your research? We will try to help you make this decision by highlighting some of our GMPV sessions within the next weeks! Today in the spotlight, session P ...[Read More]