2023 has been a year of big changes in the GMPV Division, with our new President Holly J. Stein, and in the GMPV Early Career Scientists (ECS) Committee, with new ECS Representative, Blog in Chief Editor and Chief organizer of the Campfires! First of all, we would like to thank Giulia Consuma for her amazing work as ECS Representative of our division for the years GA/2022-2023 and as Campires orga ...[Read More]
The role of Geothermal Energy in the energetic and environmental challenge.
How does a Geothermal system work? Heat is a form of energy and, strictly speaking, geothermal energy is heat from inside the Earth. The large amount of thermal energy enclosed below the earth’s surface derives in part from its primordial formation process and in part originates from the decay of radioactive isotopes present mainly in the earth’s crust and, secondarily, in the mantle. ...[Read More]
EGU23 Friday Highlights

It’s Friday and after a long week of conferencing you’re now on the home straight, the final day of EGU 2023! The following are some suggestions for that last bit of GMPV content to to bring your conference to the perfect close: Kicking things off first thing in the morning, there’s a big, exciting session on Volcanic processes: tectonics, deformation, geodesy, unrest with a loads of fascinating p ...[Read More]
EGU23 Wednesday Highlights

Welcome to the third day of the EGU General Assembly, 2023. Hope that the participants and attendees are enjoying. Let’s start the day with a cup of tea and then enter the Hall. For virtual attendees, we have Gather.town. So don’t miss a single session wherever you are! Anyways, lets have a look on today’s sessions- The first session on “Magmatic, tectonic and hydrothermal ...[Read More]