Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology


#vEGU21 – Session in the Spotlight: The Arctic connection – plate tectonics, mantle dynamics and paleogeography serving paleo-climate models and modern jurisdiction

#vEGU21 – Session in the Spotlight: The Arctic connection – plate tectonics, mantle dynamics and paleogeography serving paleo-climate models and modern jurisdiction

The vEGU21 abstract submission is now open until 13 January 2021!! Here we highlight GMPV sessions to help you navigating your way through the wild jungle of almost 700 available EGU sessions! Today we present you session GD6.2/ GMPV11: “The Arctic connection – plate tectonics, mantle dynamics and paleogeography serving paleo-climate models and modern jurisdiction”. From the conv ...[Read More]

#vEGU21 – Session in the Spotlight: Fluid-rock interaction: Kickstarter of metamorphic, deformation and geo-engineering processes

#vEGU21 – Session in the Spotlight: Fluid-rock interaction: Kickstarter of metamorphic, deformation and geo-engineering processes

The year is finally coming to an end and only some few last things have to be done before going into the well-deserved holidays! One of those things might be to choose an appropriate EGU session for your abstract – and we are happy to help you with your decision! Today in our session in the spotlight we have session GMPV 6.1: “Fluid-rock interaction: Kickstarter of metamorphic, deforma ...[Read More]

GMPV for Sustainable Development – Mineral Resources and Sustainable Mining

GMPV for Sustainable Development – Mineral Resources and Sustainable Mining

GMPV and The Sustainable Development Goals In 2015 all United Nations Member States adopted a set of Global Goals, as a universal call to protect our planet, end poverty and ensure that all people can enjoy peace and prosperity. These are called the Sustainable Development Goals – 17 integrated goals aimed at addressing the challenges our society is currently facing considering social, economic, a ...[Read More]

#vEGU21 – Session in the Spotlight: Volcano Geomorphology and Society: From observations, monitoring, and modeling of tectonic and gravity driven processes to disaster risk reduction

#vEGU21 – Session in the Spotlight: Volcano Geomorphology and Society: From observations, monitoring, and modeling of tectonic and gravity driven processes to disaster risk reduction

The EGU Abstract Submission Deadline is almost here – only 6 weeks left!! Probably you are still looking for the right session, maybe one which combines onshore and subaqueous volcanic activity, geomorphology and the impact of the volcanic hazard on local communities. Well, the GM9.11/GMPV9/NH2 “Volcano Geomorphology and Society: From observations, monitoring, and modeling of tectonic ...[Read More]