Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

GMPV ECS online talks

GMPV ECS online talks: Tuesday 15 December

GMPV ECS online talks: Tuesday 15 December

The 6th edition of the Geochemistry, Minerology, Petrology and Volcanology division’s early career scientists talks will be on Tuesday 15 December 4pm CET. Our speakers are: Giulia Consuma (PhD candidate @ University of Bologna) – Orogenic garnet peridotite: a window to trace carbon and sulfur mobility in fossil continental collision zones  Niamh Faulkner (PhD candidate @ Trinity College Dublin) – ...[Read More]

GMPV ECS online talks: Wednesday 18 November

GMPV ECS online talks: Wednesday 18 November

The 5th edition of the Geochemistry, Minerology, Petrology and Volcanology division’s early career scientists talks will be on Wednesday 18 November 4pm CET. Our speakers are: Joao Lages (Post doc @ University of Palermo) – Constraints on mantle, slab and crustal contributions to majors volatiles and noble gases along subduction zones Ailsa Naismith (PhD candidate @ University of Bristol) – Design ...[Read More]