Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology


We are upgrading the GMPV blog!!

We are upgrading the GMPV blog!!

We are looking back to almost 4 years of GMPV blog history which covered a wide range of very interesting GMPV related topics from how experiments can help to understand volcanic eruptions to what role GMPV scientists can play in sustainable development. Within the last year, however, our blog team grew significantly (you can see part of our members here) allowing us to restructure the blog a litt ...[Read More]

What I learned from chairing my first EGU session

What I learned from chairing my first EGU session

By Emily Bamber (PhD Student, University of Manchester) At this year’s EGU meeting I was invited to co-convene the GMPV 5.7 session ‘Magma ascent, degassing and eruptive dynamics: linking experiments, models and observations’. At first, I felt nervous, as a PhD student who has so far only attended and presented at a few conferences. Afterwards I felt happy to be part of a session which presents cu ...[Read More]