Usually our blog posts are about fancy minerals and cool science, but today we want to use this platform to introduce you to our new GMPV ECS team for the term 2020/2021! First of all, what exactly are we doing here in the GMPV ECS team and why are we even existing?! – Well, the GMPV ECS team is a group of young researchers (themselves being ECS), who want to support young scientists at the beginn ...[Read More]
Volcanic Lightning: Impacts on plume-suspended ash particles
Volcanic lightning is a common phenomenon related to explosive volcanism, often rattling down in a spectacle of hundreds of lightning strikes within a single eruptive event. Apart from its spectacular appearance, lightning can also be used as helpful tool to detect and monitor volcanic activity in remote locations on Earth and potentially on other planets, and is even questioned to have influenced ...[Read More]