'Mystical springs of colour' by Julia Miloczki (distributed via imaggeo.egu.eu)
Mark your calendar! The 12th edition of the Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology and Volcanology division’s early career scientists talks (EGU Campfires) will be on Wednesday 15th September at 4pm CEST!
Our speakers are:
- Sri Budhi Utami (Final Year PhD Candidate @ Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) – How a volcano pressure cooker works: the role of excess fluids in controlling eruption styles at Kelud volcano, Indonesia.
- Thomas Y. Chen (NO-SHOW) (Student @ the Academy for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, USA) – Convolutional Neural Networks for Volcanology using Satellite Imagery.
- Maud J. Smit (MSc Candidate @ the University of Iceland) – Constraining the carbon and sulfur budget, fluxes, and natural sequestration within the Nesjavellir high-temperature geothermal field, SW-Iceland.
- Katrin Steinthorsdottir (PhD candidate @ University of British Columbia – Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Canada) – Formation of brucite and awaruite in serpentinite in the Decar area, central British Columbia, implications for carbon mineralization and nickel mining.
Talk attendance is by registration only and you can REGISTER HERE!
Looking forward to seeing lots of you there!
We’re looking for new speakers! No matter what career stage you are at, we want to hear about your science. You can sign up to give a live GMPV ECS talk in one of our future events using this google form: https://forms.gle/1fZSTeZZWM6aphLm9
You can also give us FEEDBACK on any of our talks here.