Welcome to day 2 of our EGU General Assembly. GMPV researchers, buckle up to a great day, with many interesting sessions on magmatic processes, volcanic degassing, magma storage and integrated approaches to understand igneous systems. You also have a joint session in honour of W. Jason Morgan. There are so many things taking place today, make sure you know what is on today’s schedule!
What is there for today?
Meet the GMPV Division President Holly Stein, the ECS GMPV Rep Simona Gabrielli and part of the ECS Team on Tuesday morning at 11:30 at the EGU Booth for the “Meet the GMPV Division“. They will be thrilled to engage with GMPV researchers and we are always happy to recruit ECS to tour team. So make sure you find some time to meet them today.
Session GMPV7.1, Dynamics of crustal igneous systems from source to surface starts at 08:30 and goes until 10:15 (CEST) in Room G2.
Session GMPV7.4, Understanding magmatic processes: from magma storage to eruptive behaviour, and implications for volcanic hazard, co-convened by one of our science officers, runs at about the same time, from 08:30 to 12:25 (CEST) in Room D2.
To all you volcano lovers, and researchers dwelling on volcanic degassin, you have session GMPV8.7 Volcanic degassing starting after lunch, running from 14:00 to 15:45 (CEST) in Room -2.33.
If you are more of a plume person, you can stay in Room -2.33 and entertain yourself in session GMPV8.8 Volcanic plumes: insights into volcanic emissions and their impacts on the environment, atmosphere and climate starting at 16:15 and until 18:00 (CEST).
Also just after lunch, you have session GMPV9.5, Multidisciplinary volcano observations and models: from near-surface activity to deep magma migration, running at the same time as the previous two sessions (14:00–15:40 and 16:15–17:55 CEST) in Room D2.
I would like to draw your attention to session TS8.1 on Plate Tectonics, Mantle Plumes, and Beyond: the legacy of W. Jason Morgan, co-organized by EMRP1/GD1/GMPV10/SM6, starting at 14:00 and running until 18:00 (CEST) in Room D1. There will be something for everyone: mantle plumes, ocean crust production, changes in hotspot volcanism, slab dynamics, and so on, with many talks from ECS!
At lunch time, you can make way to the Arthur Holmes Medal Lecture by Claudio Faccenna between 12:45 and 13:45 (CEST) in Room E1 with the title Orogeny and mantle dynamics: Holmes (1931) revisited.
During the day, you can wander about Hall X1 to check the fabulous posters and science from our GMPV EGU-GA attendees. Some sessions will also run a virtual poster session until 18:00. If you fancy the Plate Tectonic session, their posters will be on display on Hall X2.
You have more than just the science sessions at the EGU-GA. If you fancy something else, why not dropping by one of these four GD of today?
GDB5 How can geoscience unions and societies effectively integrate science into global policy decisions? Co-sponsored by IUGG and GSL
Convener: Megan O’Donnell | Co-conveners: John Ludden, Alexander Rudloff, Elena Robinson
08:30–10:15 (CEST) Room E1. At times we speak too much amongst ourselves and too little with policy-makers. How could we change that? This GDB is a joint effort of the “Task Team on Global Policy Advice” of the Global Geoscience Societies – a loose consortium composed of AGU, EGU, GSL, JpGU, IUGG, IUGS, and other globally active geoscience unions and societies. Lined up speakers are: Joel Gill, Cardiff University, United Kingdom; Tamsin Edwards, King’s College London, United Kingdom;
Alessandro Allegra, European Commission, Belgium.
GDB8 Move or perish: What needs to change in academic mobility?
Convener: Öykü Koç | Co-conveners: David Fernández-Blanco, Simon Clark, Liliana Macotela, Christina Anna Orieschnig.
10:45–12:30 (CEST) Room E1. Do the opportunities provided by academic mobility outweigh the challenges associated with it? How can the EU and academic institutions address the paradox of promoting academic mobility while also catering to the diverse needs and challenges faced by the modern academic, especially in light of relationship and nationality constraints? Come along if you would to contribute to this debate.
GDB1 Plate motions were constant through geological time
Convener: Nicholas T. Arndt | Co-conveners: Susanne Buiter, Sabin Zahirovic
14:00–15:45 (CEST) Room E1. A question that continues to puzzle us all: Is the velocity of tectonic plate movement constant or does it fluctuate through geological time? There will be two teams debating different arguments supporting that plate motions were constant, aided by a moderator and there will be time for audience questions at the end.
GDB3 The Great EGU Climate Debate: The Anthropocene – Epochalypse Now?
Convener: Nick Everard | Co-conveners: Chloe Hill, Hayley Fowler, Noel Baker, Rolf Hut
16:15–18:00 (CEST) Room E1. “Whilst humanity’s impact on global climate systems is widely recognised, recent years have produced numerous extreme weather events, including unprecedented heat on land and in the oceans, and record-breaking wildfires”. Lined up speakers are: Anusha Shah, Michael Mann, Kelsey Beltz, and Carlos Shanka but there will be time for audience questions.
There are many interesting activities during the day, but I would like to draw you attention to two EO sessions taking place today:
From 08:30 to 12:30 (CEST) in Room 1.34: Geoethics: The significance of geosciences for society and the environment. Co-organized by BG8/ERE1/GM12/HS13/OS5/SSS1, co-sponsored by IAPG, convened by Silvia Peppoloni, Svitlana Krakovska, Giuseppe Di Capua, and David Crookall. This session will cover a variety of topics, including theoretical and practical aspects of geoethics, ethical issues in professional practice, climate and ocean education, geoscience communication, and strategies for bridging the gap between geosciences and society.
From 14:00 to 17:45 (CEST) in Room 0.15: Sharing data, tools, and knowledge: resources and initiatives organized by GM12. Convened by Fabio Crameri and Lucia Perez-Diaz.
This session seeks to:
1. Be a space for sharing, advertising, discussing, and recognising the value of existing resources and initiatives;
2. Discuss the challenges faced by those behind them (i.e., lack of funding and institutional support) and possible strategies to eliminate these;
3. Inspire new efforts, initiatives, and projects
Have a great day today at the GA!