Together with the Energy, Resources and the Environment (ERE) Division we organized a new special edition of Campfires focused on sustainability. The upcoming talks will be held on Wednesday 16th June @ 11am CEST over Zoom and will be divided into three main topics: 1) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS); 2) Sustainable Mining; 3) Urban aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES).
Our speakers are:
- Kieran Gilmore (PhD Student @ Cambridge University) – Carbon Capture and Storage: In the pipeline or still a pipedream?
- Carolina Nogueira Mafra (PhD student @ University of Western Australia) – The contribution of automated mineralogy to the prediction of acid mine drainage of sulfidic tailings.
- Christian Wenzlaff (PhD student @ Technical University of Berlin and GFZ – German Research Centre for Geosciences) – High temperature aquifer thermal energy storage in a geologically complex carbonate reservoir below Berlin: Reservoir characterisation and storage performance evaluation.
Talk attendance is by registration only and you can register here: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Uqdu2opjspHdR9pTgSNXE-CvBLz52n-ids
Looking forward to seeing lots of you there!
Thanks to Morgan Tranter – ECS representative of ERE Division – for co-organizing the talks!
We’re looking for new speakers! No matter what career stage you are at, we want to hear about your science. You can sign up to give a live GMPV ECS talk in one of our future events using this google form: https://forms.gle/W4wr7D1ZceKogTHM7
You can also give us FEEDBACK on any of our talks here
Have a look at our blog series on GMPV for Sustainable Development:
- Mineral Resources and Sustainable Mining: https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/gmpv/2020/12/14/gmpv-for-sustainable-development-mineral-resources-and-sustainable-mining/
- Geothermal Energy: https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/gmpv/2021/05/19/gmpv-for-sustainable-development-geothermal-energy/