Tonalite magmatic rock in thin sections under crossed Nicols. Credit: Alice Staro (distributed via imaggeo.egu.eu)
The 10th edition the Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology and Volcanology Division’s early career scientists talks (EGU campfires) will be on Wednesday 19th May 3pm CEST.
Our speakers are:
- Mallika Jonnalagadda (Assistant Professor @ Savitribai Phule Pune University) – Geodynamic evolution of the mafic-ultramafic rocks of Spontang Ophiolite Complex, Ladakh NW Himalaya, India
- Jonas Biren (PhD student @ ITSO, Orléans France) – Exploring in situ the high temperature emissivity of 2014-2015 Bardarbunga magmas
- Mattia Pistone (Assistant Professor @ University of Georgia) – CO2 favours the accumulation of excess fluids in felsic magmas
- Michal Camejo-Harry (PhD @ The University of West Indies) – Using plutonic xenoliths and lavas to explore crustal building processes in the Grenadines, Lesser Antilles arc.
Talk attendance is by registration only and you can register here:
Looking forward to seeing lots of you there!
We’re looking for new speakers! No matter what career stage you are at, we want to hear about your science. You can sign up to give a live GMPV ECS talk in one of our future events using this google form: https://forms.gle/W4wr7D1ZceKogTHM7
You can also give us FEEDBACK on any of our talks here