Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

The inaugural GMPV webinar: 29th June

The inaugural GMPV webinar: 29th June

The EGU’s GMPV Early Career Scientist committee is delighted to invite you to our first ever webinar, with contributions spanning the whole range of topics encompassed by the GMPV section. The webinar will be hosted on zoom (apologies if you already have zoom fatigue…) at 16:00 Central European Summer Time, on Monday 29th June. There will be four presentations, each around 10 minutes long, with time for questions – the whole webinar will last approximately one hour.

To attend, please register πŸ‘‰ here πŸ‘ˆ ahead of time.

The exciting talks in this inaugural session are:

  • Bruna Carvalho (Post-doc at the University of Padova): Fate of COH fluid inclusions in granulites: new perspectives and changes in paradigm
  • Jessica Pugsley (PhD student at the University of Aberdeen): The application of virtual outcrop in volcanic settings
  • Alex Lipp (PhD student at Imperial College, London): The origin and alteration of the continental crust from novel analysis of major element data
  • Alexandra Demers-Roberge (PhD student at the University of Lausanne): Fast hydrogen loss from orthopyroxene

If you are interested in giving a future talk, feel free to sign up at the following link:

πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆ

Mike Jollands is an experimental petrologist at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, New York, USA. He studies the diffusion and substitution mechanisms of trace elements, making use of high temperature and pressure equipment to simulate volcanic and mantle conditions.

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