Good morning, it’s tuesday, and I hope you have all enjoyed the delicios gelato that Vienna has to offer (i.e. whatever you can find in your freezer).
Here is some not-to-be-missed science to fill your day…
When volcanoes are covered by glaciers, does this prevent forecasting, or help it? Michael Martin says the latter, check it out HERE☃️🔥
How much sulphur? This much sulphur! We have a great blog post from Penny Wieser about how and why crystal aggregates form in magma chambers. Now Penny is back at EGU 2020 tackling the sulphur problem at Kilauea. Check it out HERE
Do hot spot volcanoes sample a deep, isolated reservoir of the mantle? A clue might lie in noble gas isotopes, but how are the noble gases stored in deep mantle phases? Michaela Flanigan will tell you HERE
Why does the eruptive style of volcanoes change? Is it changing composition, or something else? Guest blogger Emily Bamber knows better than most – click 👉👉THIS LINK to see what she has to say!
Why is there compositional zoning in ignimbrites? Is it because of magma mixing, or because the source was heterogeneous? New and explosive research from Franziska Keller will shed some light – details at this LINK👍👍👍
How, why and how fast does gypsum dissolve? It’s an important question, because dissolving gypsum can create caves, which can then become disasterous sinkholes. It’s a problem for NE suburbs of Paris, but luckily Imen Zaier is on the case. Find out more HERE 🇫🇷🇫🇷