This blog post is part of our series: “Highlights” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily ( or Emma (, if you’d like to contribute on this topic or others. Here at the EGU Geomorphology Division Blog, we’re starting up the New Year with a look forward to the highlight of our annual calendar: the EGU General Assembl ...[Read More]
A conversation with Christian France-Lanord, GM Division Ralph Alger Bagnold Awardee
Recently, EGU announced the 2024 medals and awards to be presented at the General Assembly in April, and the winner of the Geomorphology Division Ralph Alger Bagnold Medal Award is Christian France-Lanord, at the Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques (CRPG), University of Lorraine-CNRS, France. Christian has made many contributions to the field of geomorphology, primarily in his res ...[Read More]
A conversation with Fiona Clubb, GM Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awardee
Recently, EGU announced the 2024 medals and awards to be presented at the General Assembly in April, and the winner of the Geomorphology Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is Fiona Clubb, Assistant Professor in Earth Surface Processes at Durham University. Fiona is geomorphologist interested in interactions between tectonics, climate, and surface process shape Earth’s t ...[Read More]
Crowd solving comes to the rescue again at EGU23!
by Emma Lodes, PhD student, GFZ-Potsdam (Germany) Twitter: @LodesEmma | email: Research in Earth Science starts with the spark of an idea, and is then often challenged by issues with access, temporal or spatial scaling, lack of knowledge in specific domains, or simply road bumps in our lives. As Early Career Scientists (ECS), and especially as students, our individual pr ...[Read More]