

Getting to know the GM presidency candidates: #2 Jens Turowski

During the EGU Election Autumn 2017, all EGU members are asked to give their vote for the next EGU Union President, General Secretary and the Division Presidents until 30 November 2017. The Geomorphology division is in the luxurious situation of having three candidates for division presidency, all of which gathered experience as active members of the EGU GM division structure. In order to get to k ...[Read More]

Getting to know the GM presidency candidates: #1 Dan Parsons

During the EGU Election Autumn 2017, all EGU members are asked to give their vote for the next EGU Union President, General Secretary and the Division Presidents until 30 November 2017. The Geomorphology division is in the luxurious situation of having three candidates for division presidency, all of which gathered experience as active members of the EGU GM division structure. In order to get to k ...[Read More]

Time to travel – the ERASMUS program turns 30 this year

Time to travel – the ERASMUS program turns 30 this year

The mobility program of the European Union, named after Erasmus of Rotterdam who studied in different places all over Europe, turns 30 this year. I wanted to take this opportunity to promote this great possibility for gathering international experience and getting insights into the teaching and research skills of our European colleagues. The ERASMUS program, named ERASMUS+ since 2014, is most famo ...[Read More]

Stormy Geomorphology

Stormy Geomorphology

 – written by James Tempest (University of Cambridge), Larissa A. Naylor (University of Glasgow), Tom Spencer and Iris Möller (University of Cambridge) – Extreme storm and flood events are occurring with increasing frequency and intensity across the globe causing significant geomorphic change throughout many landscapes often with detrimental impacts on local populations. In 2014 an int ...[Read More]

European Critical Physical Geography – or how power relations can be considered during research set ups

– written by Christian Schneider  (University of Leipzig) and Sabine Kraushaar (University of Vienna) – In March this year the first European Critical Physical Geography (CPG) Workshop took place in Berlin bringing together 19 scholars from different European and American research institutions and backgrounds under the lead of  Rebecca Lave and Stuart Lane and the financial support by their ...[Read More]

Report from the Spring School on “Statistical analysis of hyperspectral and high-dimensional remote-sensing data using R”, Jena, Germany, March 13-17, 2017

The Spring School on “Statistical analysis of hyperspectral and high-dimensional remote-sensing data using R” was organized by the GIScience group lead by Prof. Alexander Brenning and two researchers from his GIScience research group, Patrick Schratz and Dr. Jannes Münchow. The school brought together a diverse group of 28 researchers (e.g. geoscientists, forestry, environmental studies) at differ ...[Read More]

7th Young Geomorphologists’ Day in Naples/ Italy

The Italian Young Geomorphologists represented by Irene Bollati (front row, green jacket) and Francesca Vergari invite you to join their event in June 2017. Group shot taken during the fieldtrip in Sardinia at the 6th Young Geomorphologists’ Day in 2015 IMPORTANT NOTICE! All those who tried to subscribe to the VII Young Geomorphologists Day 2017, should re-send all the documentation to the mail ad ...[Read More]

EGU mentoring programme 2017

 – by Susanne Buiter TS Division President – EGU is launching a mentoring programme at its 2017 General Assembly for novice conference attendees, students, and early career scientists. The programme aims to facilitate new connections that may lead to long-term professional relationships within the Earth, planetary and space science communities. We anticipate the programme to be a rewar ...[Read More]

11th Intern. Young Geomorphologists’ Workshop 2017, 19.-21. May 2017, Ammersee, Germany

This year, the Young Geomorphologists from Germany invite all interested young researchers / students in geomorphology and related fields to join the 11th international Young Geomorphologists’ workshop at Ammersee, Germany, held from 19th-21st May 2017. The venue is located at a lake ca. 1 hour southwest of Munich. In a mixture of oral presentations, posters, a keynote and a short fieldtrip, ...[Read More]

ESURF – Special Issue on 4-D reconstruction of earth surface processes

Special Issue in “Earth Surface Dynamics” (interactive, open-access and public peer reviewed journal): 4-D reconstruction of earth surface processes: multi-temporal and multi-spatial high resolution topography. The special issue aims to demonstrate the advantages of High Resolution Topography (HiRT) to measure and understand earth surface processes at multiple temporal scales and varyi ...[Read More]