During the EGU Election Autumn 2017, all EGU members are asked to give their vote for the next EGU Union President, General Secretary and the Division Presidents until 30 November 2017. The Geomorphology division is in the luxurious situation of having three candidates for division presidency, all of which gathered experience as active members of the EGU GM division structure. In order to get to k ...[Read More]
Interview with Peter van der Beek
Peter van der Beek, Professor at the University of Grenoble, France, has recently been elected the new president of the EGU GM division. In order to introduce himself to the community, Peter has kindly agreed to answer a couple of questions regarding his ideas for the future of the GM section: 1) Dear Peter, congratulations to the Division Presidency! Would you please tell us a bit about yourself ...[Read More]
Our EGU session died, what went wrong?
Have you ever had this experience? You develop a session which you think could be such a great platform or a subject that definitely interests a lot of people and then only a few people register…this happened to Jan, me, and several others this year and our proposed sessions (GM1.2 Emerging research fields in geomorphology and GM 1.4 Data wealth versus data poverty – new strategies for geomo ...[Read More]