More than 15.000 participants with great presentations in 666 sessions (posters, PICOs, and orals) made the EGU General Assembly 2018 at the Austrian Convention Centre in Vienna a great success. In the geodesy-led programme, we had 428 submissions, which were distributed to 19 oral blocks, 3 PICO sessions, and a series of poster sessions. We listened to exciting talks, starting with geodetic theor ...[Read More]
So we produced this big pile of GIS data, what now?
We all know that easy access to data speeds up doing research. In this post, we will discuss how open GIS data can stimulate innovative ways of doing research in the field of geodesy and geosciences, considering first the benefits and challenges of open data. Geodesy can benefit greatly from the open data movement and from open Geographic Information System (GIS) data. The reasons for this are two ...[Read More]
EGU’s Geodesy Division needs a new early career scientist voice
In the run-up to the general assembly in 2017, The geodesy division is looking for a fresh early career scientist (ECS) to take over the role of the ECS-representative. But what comprises being an ECS-representative? And where can you sign up? Early career scientists represent a significant share of the EGU general assembly attendees. It is therefore desirable to involve this group not only as par ...[Read More]
Your scientific talk: mental breakdown or conference highlight?
![Your scientific talk: mental breakdown or conference highlight?](
After last years success, we’re again organizing a short course on presentation techniques. EGU GA 2016 participants who are interested in rehearsing their talk and getting feedback can sign up of for a rehearsal here (deadline 31 March 2016). Of course we welcome and encourage contributions from all divisions. You can feel it coming, sometimes it kicks in days before your talk, at other tim ...[Read More]