

We need a new Early Career Scientist Co-Representative!

We need a new Early Career Scientist Co-Representative!

The general assembly 2023 is approaching, and the EGU Geodesy division is looking for an enthusiastic early career scientist (ECS) to take over the role of the division ECS Co-representative. But what do you have to do as an ECS-representative? And where can you sign up? Early career scientists represent a significant share of the EGU members and attendees of the general assembly. It is therefore ...[Read More]

EGU Campfire Geodesy 101 – First Edition

EGU Campfire Geodesy 101 – First Edition

  We all welcome you around our first EGU Geodesy 101 Campfire to listen to an exciting presentation about reference frames from Xavier Collilieux. This new Geodesy 101 Campfire series aims to introduce geodesists and non-geodesists into a specific geodetic topic. The first Geodesy 101 Campfire is dedicated to terrestrial reference frames. Below you can find detailed description about the upc ...[Read More]

EGU Campfire Geodesy – Share Your Research – Sixth Edition

EGU Campfire Geodesy – Share Your Research – Sixth Edition

  We all welcome you around our sixth EGU Geodesy Campfire to listen to two exciting talks by Eva Börgens and Jesse Reusen. The Geodesy EGU Campfire Events “Share Your Research” give (early career) researchers the chance to talk about their work. Below you can find detailed descriptions about their talks. We will have time for networking after the presentations. Please join us on Zoom on Octo ...[Read More]

Celebrating and Recognizing Our Postdocs: Beyond Postdoc Appreciation Week

Celebrating and Recognizing Our Postdocs: Beyond Postdoc Appreciation Week

With Postdoc Appreciation Week coming to a close, we wanted to know a little bit about postdocs in Geodesy and Geosciences! To see how their life-work balance situation and outlook on their professional future is, we put together a short survey. If you are unfamiliar with Postdoc Appreciation Week, here is a quick summary: Initially, it was an initiative by the National Postdoc Association in the ...[Read More]