

Inside the World of ‘Native Scientists’

Inside the World of ‘Native Scientists’

  Are you ready to dive into the fascinating mutual symbiosis of science, culture, and education? Be ready to be inspired by the blog editor-in-chief of our division blog, Rebekka Steffen, who is a researcher at Lantmäteriet in Sweden, where she specializes on glacial isostatic adjustment—think rising land, ancient ice sheets, and Earth’s stress fields!  But there’s more to Rebekka than cutti ...[Read More]

Around the world with Professor Vening Meinesz onboard the submarine K-XVIII: The Origin of Flexure Modelling

Around the world with Professor Vening Meinesz onboard the submarine K-XVIII: The Origin of Flexure Modelling

In my previous blog post, I wrote about the famous voyage of Professor Vening Meinesz aboard the submarine K-XVIII. At 30 meters underneath the surface, Vening Meinesz would observe the gravity field of Earth with a pendulum apparatus called the Golden Calf. In this post, I would like to discuss a different voyage the professor took part in. Normally the Dutch submarines took the Suez Canal to sai ...[Read More]

Bits and Bites of Geodesy – Satellite altimetry: What else can we do with it?

Bits and Bites of Geodesy – Satellite altimetry: What else can we do with it?

In the previous post of this series, we learned how we can use satellite radar altimetry to retrieve highly accurate estimates of global sea level changes. If only reading “sea level” triggers your climate anxiety – we got you covered! In this post we will introduce you to three more applications of radar altimetry, where the first two are not directly connected to climate change. Instead, w ...[Read More]

Meet the ECS team: Your Go-To Contacts for EGU General Assembly 2024

Meet the ECS team: Your Go-To Contacts for EGU General Assembly 2024

Hey there dear geodesy ECSs, EGU is right around the corner. We wanted to check in and make sure that you are navigating around a bit better. Maybe you are not sure who to ask about the ECS dinner, networking opportunities at GA, or how to get involved with our team or within EGU, or you simply need help. Well, wonder no more! Allow us to introduce ourselves – we’re the Geodesy ECS (Early Ca ...[Read More]