
EGU General Assembly

Planting seeds with EGU’s mentoring programme

Planting seeds with EGU’s mentoring programme

  The 2023 General Assembly is gaining momentum. Did you ever consider taking part as a mentor (or mentee) in EGU’s mentoring programme? If you ask me, it’s a nice opportunity to increase the odds of being a positive influence to someone, and you may learn some things in the process too. Who’s your positive influence? Here’s a mental exercise: name 3 people who positively influenced your care ...[Read More]

What’s up for geodesy during the upcoming EGU22?

What’s up for geodesy during the upcoming EGU22?

It’s this time of the year again where we all try to meet up in Vienna and talk about our latest scientific results and more importantly network with old and new colleagues. The EGU General Assembly (GA) will be a hybrid meeting this year: EGU22. There will be scientific sessions with short oral presentations, networking opportunities and short courses. All scientific sessions and most short cours ...[Read More]

Have a colleague who does outstanding work? – Nominate them for an EGU Award or Medal!

Have a colleague who does outstanding work? – Nominate them for an EGU Award or Medal!

Congratulations again to Sara Bruni for receiving the Geodesy Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award 2018! A summary of her research on new findings in the gravity field time series from Medicina is posted below. Maybe you know an Early Career Scientist who does as outstanding work as Sara Bruni does? Nomination is the first crucial step in order to receive an award, don’t let this oppo ...[Read More]

Gravity time series still reveal new insights

Gravity time series still reveal new insights

          View of the Medicina observatory. The site hosts a superconducting gravimeter (SG) installed in a dedicated building next to a piezometer. Local height variations  are monitored by means of two GPS stations, located at the end of the N-S segment of the “North Cross” radio telescope. The two GPS stations are about 30 m apart and are close to a VLBI antenna.   ...[Read More]