Hi EGU Community!
We hope that you had some rest during the holidays and are ready for this new year ahead! With the last blog post of 2024, we want to look back at what happened in the G Division during the last year and give an outlook on what you can expect for the coming year!
Looking back on 2024
Over the past year, we published a total of 19 blog posts. Many thanks to all the authors who contributed. It has been amazing working with you, and we are looking forward to publishing the next posts with you.
Our esteemed series ‘Geodesists on Tour’ and blogs based on papers gave scientists the opportunity to share their latest work throughout the year. Additionally, we introduced some new series on our blog this year; The ‘Bits & Bites of Geodesy’ series explained facts about geodesy in easily digestible chunks for a wider audience to get more attention to Geodesy within the fields of geoscience. But what does a Geodesist look like? In the series ‘Expanding the Picture’, community members are telling their stories, cleaning up stereotypes, and painting the full spectra of geodesy. If you like a series or have a topic in mind you would like to write about, please get in touch with us!
After the GA, we expanded our blog team to include more editors coordinated by Öykü. Marius joined as a new co-rep and Barbara took over as social media manager. With a team of ten motivated ECS, we have been able to extend our activities, and we have brought back Geodesy Campfire – Share your research. Young researchers shared their work in the community in the 8th and 9th editions in October and November. The campfire topics addressed all facets of Geodesy, attracting young researchers from around the globe.

9th edition of ECS Geodesy Campfire – Share Your Research! Over thirty participants listened to the talks by Roland M. Hohensinn and Bjarke Nilsson.
What happened at the GA24?
The Geodesy Division at GA24 kicked off the week with an Early Career Scientists (ECS) pre-GA Icebreaker at CopaBeach on Sunday evening. This in-person event allowed ECS attendees to connect with fellow geoscientists from Geodynamics (GD), Geodesy (G), and Seismology (SM) divisions. The icebreaker was followed by a move to the EGU Opening Reception at the conference venue. Throughout the week, the G division continued fostering social events like the “Geodesy Fika” coffee break on Monday morning, an informal dinner for ECS on Monday evening, and a “Meet the Geodesy Division Team” session on Tuesday morning. These gatherings provided valuable opportunities for networking and engagement.
In total, the GA featured 15 geodesy sessions with 398 abstracts. At the GA 2024, we again gave the short course “Geodesy 101”, which had quite the attendance and was well received.
We had the pleasure to listen to the Vening Meinesz Medal Lecture by Jeffrey T. Freymueller titled “The Evolution of Positioning Accuracy and Linear vs. Non-linear Motions of the Earth” and the outstanding Early Career Scientist Award lecture by Bramha Dutt Vishwakarma titled “GRACE for Earth system science: novel insights into hydrology, sea level rise, and solid Earth uplift”. The recordings of the talk can be found at https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU24/session/50748#Orals. Mario Moreno was selected for the 2024 G division Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award for their poster presentation on “Ionospheric Impact on GNSS Reflectometry: A correction approach for the PRETTY satellite data”.

Vening Meinesz Medal Lecture given by Jeffrey T. Freymueller at EGU General Assembly 2024 on ‘The Evolution of Positioning Accuracy and Linear vs. Non-linear Motions of the Earth’. Image courtesy: Holger Steffen

Bramha Dutt Vishwakarma giving the G Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture on ‘GRACE for Earth system science: novel insights into hydrology, sea level rise, and solid Earth uplift’ at EGU GA 2024. Image courtesy: Holger Steffen
What to look out for in 2025?
Looking ahead to 2025, we have some exciting new content planned for our blog. We’ll be introducing some new series, as well as continuing with some of our ongoing ones, such as Geodesists on Tour, Women in Geodesy, and Our Papers.
We’re also planning to hold more of our “Share your research” online networking events, as well as some “Geodesy 101” themed campfires, where we’ll take a closer look at various geodetic research areas and applications. If you’re interested in presenting your research at one of these events, please contact us at ecs-g@egu.eu. We’ll be posting the exact dates of these events on our blog and the G division’s social media outlets.
General Assembly 2025
As in the previous year, GA 2025 will be a hybrid conference and move towards a more traditional meeting style, with orals, posters and PICOs both accessible on-site and online. You can find up-to-date information on the status and import deadlines on https://www.egu25.eu/. Throughout the week, there will be several networking events where you can meet the division team and make new connections.
We also would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the winners of the 2025 Vening Meinesz Medal René Forsberg and the 2025 Geodesy Division Outstanding ECS Matthias Schartner. We are looking forward to two exciting medal lectures at the GA!
Get in touch!
These activities are driven by the community. To improve what we do, we have set up a continuous feedback form where you can share your thoughts on how we are doing and what we can do to improve. You can also bring your ideas to the G division by contacting us at ecs-g@egu.eu for any issues related to it. Feel free to reach out to us.
We wish you a good start to 2025! See you all in person at EGU GA 2025!