Hey there dear geodesy ECSs,
EGU is right around the corner. We wanted to check in and make sure that you are navigating around a bit better. Maybe you are not sure who to ask about the ECS dinner, networking opportunities at GA, or how to get involved with our team or within EGU, or you simply need help. Well, wonder no more!
Allow us to introduce ourselves – we’re the Geodesy ECS (Early Career Scientist) team, your ultimate point of contact for all things EGU General Assembly 2024. We are here to make your EGU experience as smooth as possible. But hey, we’re not just about business – we’re also a friendly bunch, eager to connect and chat with you!
Now, let’s get acquainted. Here’s a brief introduction to each member of our team:
Öykü Koç (she/her)
As you already know, I’m the current EGU Geodesy division ECS Representative. I have been a part of the ECS team since vEGU2021! Even though I briefly introduced myself years ago in this blog post, let me reintroduce myself: I’m currently a PhD student at Politecnico di Milano (hopefully, a Dr before this year closes 🙂). I have been working on future satellite gravity missions like NGGM/MAGIC, missions with quantum sensors and all sorts! What I look at specifically is the ways to improve the global gravity field solutions, and regional solutions (something like mascons but not quite). When I need to release some stress, I watch Studio Ghibli movies over and over again, go bird-watching, and do illustrations. At this point, you have probably seen some of those illustrations over the blog! I use them in my outreach activities like Skype a Scientist where I have been volunteering since 2021. I have a passion for making geosciences, especially geodesy more diverse. You can always reach out to me, either over email or on social media (you can find me on former Twitter as @callmeboyk, on mastodon @oykukoc@fediscience.org, and on BlueSky as @oykukoc.bsky.social – I’m mostly active on BlueSky!)
You are also probably familiar with Marius and Bene from the blog but let’s get to know them a bit more!
Marius Schlaak (he/him)
I joined the EGU geodesy division ECS team in 2022. I am an enthusiastic PhD student at the Technical University of Munich. I have been actively contributing to the EGU community by supporting social events during the general assembly and working as one of the editors for the geodesy division blog. Starting from this GA, I will be the new EGU Geodesy division ECS Co-Represantative. For my research, I work on long-term simulations of gravity field recovery from satellite gravity missions. Particularly, my focus is on the time-variable gravity field, developing processing strategies such as long-term trend estimation for climate applications.
Bene Aschenneller (they/he)
I’m a PhD student at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, currently in my third year. In my work, I’m using radar altimetry together with optical remote sensing to (try to) figure out when and where relative sea level rise will be so strong that it cannot be counteracted by sedimentary processes anymore and will trigger shorelines to recede. If that gets too depressing, I distract myself by thinking about how we can communicate the magic of all the fantastic geodetic techniques existing so far to a broader audience, and encourage their applications. I’m also trans and autistic and am quite passionate about making academia a more diverse and inclusive place for everyone. If you want to get in touch, I’m on mastodon (@benedix@fediscience.org) and I have an email 🙂
You should thank Barbara, our social media manager, for updating you on what’s happening with the geodesy division and during GA over social media!
Barbara Jenny (she/her)
I am doing my PhD at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in the field of satellite gravimetry. I work on simulations for a quantum gravimeter in space but I also like to study the GRACE(-FO) data with a focus on the polar regions. As a theoretical physicist by training, I like the challenge of working in a team which also does fieldwork in all places of the world. If I am not sitting in front of my computer or helping my team with some fieldwork, you can find me on my bike or playing my viola in an orchestra. I grew up in Switzerland and while I miss the hills and mountains, I am enjoying living close to the ocean in Copenhagen.
Fikri is unfortunately not going to be joining us this GA but he will be supporting us online!
Fikri Bamahry (he/him)
I’m a researcher at the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB). I have been working on developing EPOS-GNSS Data Quality Monitoring Service (DQMS) that monitors the availability and quality of the daily GNSS data that are made discoverable for Solid Earth research through the EPOS (European Plate Observing System) data portal. Currently, my research focuses on the correlation between GNSS data quality indicators and GNSS position and tropospheric time series. I received my MSc in 2021 from Technische Universität Berlin.
Last but not least, we still have Rebekka, you know her as our former ECS Rep who is now our science officer & blog editor-in-chief! She is always there to share her insights with us (me, especially). So we will reintroduce her as our science officer this time 🙂 (also maybe check out her interview for the Women in Geodesy series)
Rebekka Steffen (she/her)
I’m a researcher at Lantmäteriet in Sweden. My research is mainly focused on modelling glacial isostatic adjustment, in particular, displacement, gravity and stress changes. The first two are important for many geodetic applications as modelled displacement and gravity changes are used to correct various observations (e.g., satellite gravity data from GRACE(-FO), GNSS time series). In the past few years, I also worked on the development of a new European GNSS velocity model, which is an important contribution to estimating deformation along the coasts to assess sea level change as well as correcting the long-term GNSS velocities from InSAR in the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS).
I’m not only an editor for the EGU Geodesy blog and a Science Officer in the G division, but also currently the president of Commission 3 (Earth Rotation and Geodynamics) in the International Association of Geodesy (IAG). In all three roles, I’m committed to more equality in Geodesy, starting from advocating for creating colour-blind friendly figures to engaging ECS and researchers from developing countries in organizations like EGU and IAG. You can find me on Bluesky (@rebekka-geo.bsky.social) and LinkedIn, or you can send me an email.
Feel free to reach out to any of us with your questions, ideas, your feedback in general, or just for a friendly chat. We’re here to ensure you have an amazing time at EGU General Assembly 2024! This was our small group. Nevertheless, a bigger group is behind all ECS activities, short courses, and great debates: Union Rep, Deputy Rep, and all division representatives (see EGU ECS Rep site). And hey, speaking of support, don’t forget about the person of trust at the General Assembly. This dedicated individual is here to assist you directly at the conference. You can easily reach the person of trust through the information desk in the entrance hall. They’re available Monday to Friday, 08:00–17:00, and a private room is reserved on-site where you can discuss any concerns or issues, including misconduct (harassment, safety, accessibility, or any form of misconduct, etc). Here is a more detailed post on it https://blogs.egu.eu/geolog/2024/04/03/playing-by-the-rules-the-egu24-code-of-conduct/.
See you at the assembly!
EGU Geodesy ECS team