Availability of good quality data is essential to deduce meaningful information in all disciplines of science and technology. This statement is especially relevant in climate research, which is under constant scrutiny from sceptics. In order to better understand the Earth system response to the ongoing anthropogenic global warming, we require global observations of climate indicators at ver ...[Read More]
The ocean floor is sinking under the weight of sea level rise

The figure shows a schematic of the sea level budget (a), the map (b) of GRACE observed rate of ocean mass change (mm/yr), and (c) is the corresponding ocean bottom deformation. Regions with increases in mass are subsiding, regions with decreases in mass are uplifting, but the global mean of ocean mass is increasing, hence the mean ocean bottom is subsiding.
Sea level rise is one of most dreadful consequences of anthropogenic (caused by humans) global warming. It is estimated that the loss of coastal infrastructure alone would cost the global economy more than 1 trillion dollars per year by 2100 [1]. This number is based on climate models, but these are only as good as our current understanding of the sea level rise. Therefore, researchers are monitor ...[Read More]