Climate: Past, Present & Future

Ana C. Pires

Ana Pires has a PhD in Physical Oceanography focused on regional coastal dynamics and climate change. She worked at the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) for 5 years in EUMETSAT's LSA-SAF, contributing to the development of retrieving methodologies for remote sensing land surface data, and for 1-1/2 years at the Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre (MARE) in a project that tackled the relationship between remote-sensed ocean internal waves and harmful algae bloom onset off Portugal. She is currently responsible for science communication and outreach at Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL) of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.

Atmospheric Rivers: the water tap of extreme precipitation

Atmospheric Rivers: the water tap of extreme precipitation

Extreme precipitation events, i.e., heavy rain episodes of short duration, can lead to severe or even catastrophic social and economic impacts, as seen recently in different flooding and landslide incidents throughout the world. One of the drivers behind these events is the occurrence of atmospheric rivers (ARs), a mechanism that transports great amounts of water vapour across the globe, and signi ...[Read More]