Biogeosciences Division Structure
During the last EGU Biogeosciences Division Meeting we revealed how the BG Division would evolve over the next 12 months with your support and guidance. The new BG structure will consist of eight sub-divisions illustrated below.
This structure maintains the visibility, expertise and diversity of our Biogeosciences community whilst creating new thematics that provide clear opportunities for interdisciplinary exchange within the BG Division across rapidly growing fields.
New BG Scientific Officers Required
The BG Division is now looking to grow a diverse and inclusive team of Scientific Officers to represent these sub-divisions and develop each of these scientific themes.
For each sub-division we are now looking to appoint both an Early Career and a Mid/Senior Career Scientific Officer. These sub-division Scientific Officers will be highly valued and supported by the BG President and Deputy President. The Early Career Scientific Officers will also work closely with the BG ECS Representatives. They will be EGU members that are actively conducting research within the specific BG sub-division they represent. EGU defines Early Career Scientists as “a student, a PhD candidate, or a practising scientist who received their highest certificate (e.g. BSc, MSc or PhD) within the past seven years. The seven-year period can be extended to allow for periods when the scientist was not working in science because of, but not limited to, caring and/or parental responsibilities, disability, personal illness, community obligations or national service.”
Sub-division Scientific Officers will have an active role in the programme of the annual EGU general assembly and will enjoy getting to know the research expertise of the conveners and researchers within their sub-divisions.
An important role of the sub-division officers will be to encourage and help BG members develop new exciting sessions and explore the potential for BG special issues to evolve from their sub-division in our flagship EGU journal Biogeosciences.
The sub-division officers should also be familiar with the use of social media and will be expected to help produce BG Division social media content related to their sub-division.
How to apply to become a BG Scientific Officer
To become a Scientific Officer within the BG team and make a positive impact on your BG community please fill up this simple online application
Everyone is welcome to apply before the 30th September 2021.
Expectations of a BG sub-division scientific officer
The role of a Scientific Officer will include:
- Preparing a few BG sub-division related tweets during the call for sessions and during the EGU general assembly each year to generate publicity for their sub-divisions scientific sessions;
- Preparing two short BG sub-division related blogs each year (written by themselves or solicited from a member of their sub-division) ;
- Preparing at least 1 campfire event related to their sub-division each year and;
- Attending 2-3 BG Division Team meetings on zoom each year to help co-ordinate social media releases and brainstorm events and;
- Collaborate with the BG ECS Representative team to organise the sub-division scientific-related campfire each year.
Experience acquired as a BG sub-division scientific officer
The role of a BG Scientific Officer provides a unique opportunity to:
- become visible as a valuable networker within the BG sub-division field;
- develop leadership skills and a deeper knowledge of the EGU and membership needs;
- develop valuable transferable skills outside everyday science (organising events, outreach, …);
- connect research in your sub-division to other fields and enhance the interdisciplinarity and visibility of BG research;
- play an exciting role working alongside the other sub-division officers and BG president shaping the future research programme of the BG Division at the EGU general assembly
The BG Division look forward to hearing from you soon.
For further information please contact bg@egu.eu