EGU Blogs

856 search results for "early career scientists"

Natural Hazards

Disentangling the complexity of multi-(hazard-)risks: conversations with Marleen de Ruiter, the EGU NH Division 2024 Early Career Scientist Award Winner

Disentangling the complexity of multi-(hazard-)risks: conversations with Marleen de Ruiter, the EGU NH Division 2024 Early Career Scientist Award Winner

Marleen de Ruiter is Assistant Professor at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her research focuses on multi- and consecutive disasters, improving modeling capabilities and understanding of multi-hazard risk and assessing the potential adverse impacts of Disaster Risk Reduction measures across different hazards. She manages the Myriad-EU project, co-leads ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Heads Up: Early Career Hydrologists Highlights at EGU 2024

Heads Up: Early Career Hydrologists Highlights at EGU 2024

The upcoming annual EGU General assembly in Vienna is a fantastic opportunity for early career scientists (ECS) to engage with the international hydrological community, present their work, and build their networks.  But with the multitude of sessions, events, and lectures, it can be tricky to assemble your personal program – especially if it’s your first time attending EGU. We’ve got your ba ...[Read More]


Find your scientists: how to network at EGU24

Find your scientists: how to network at EGU24

The General Assembly is the nucleus around which EGU’s community gathers and connects, providing a week of opportunity to meet new people and reaffirm old bonds. Progress within science and its impact on society rises from the confluence of ideas and a diversity of voices; to facilitate meeting and discussion at the Assembly, #EGU24 offers a number of paths for building your network. Network ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Join the  Early Career Scientist Representative (ECS Rep) Team of the  Hydrological Sciences (HS) Division of EGU

Join the  Early Career Scientist Representative (ECS Rep) Team of the  Hydrological Sciences (HS) Division of EGU

With the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) in Vienna (April 14-19) approaching fast, it’s time to assemble the new team to represent Early Career Scientists (ECS) of the Hydrological Sciences Division!  We’re looking for a new ECS representative, as well as team members to coordinate social media, our newsletter, online campfires, and to join our fantastic blog team led by B ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Meet the Hydrological Sciences (HS) Early Career Scientist (ECS) Team

Meet the Hydrological Sciences (HS) Early Career Scientist (ECS) Team

Who Are We? At the forefront of hydrology’s fascinating world, there is a dynamic group of young scientists passionate about understanding the complexities of water in all its forms: The HS Early Career Scientists (ECS) from the European Geosciences Union (EGU).  The HS ECS team is a heterogeneous, multidisicplinary and devoted group of passionate individuals from diverse geographical locations wo ...[Read More]


A conversation with Fiona Clubb, GM Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awardee

A conversation with Fiona Clubb, GM Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awardee

  Recently, EGU announced the 2024 medals and awards to be presented at the General Assembly in April, and the winner of the Geomorphology Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is Fiona Clubb, Assistant Professor in Earth Surface Processes at Durham University. Fiona is geomorphologist interested in interactions between tectonics, climate, and surface process shape Earth’s t ...[Read More]


Call for Applications: Early Career Scientist Representative (GD Division)

Call for Applications: Early Career Scientist Representative (GD Division)

The Geodynamics Division (GD) is looking for an enthusiastic geodynamicist to take up the position of Early Career Scientist (ECS) representative for 2024-2026! Our current ECS representative, Megan Holdt, will be handing over this position at EGU24. This role is a fantastic opportunity to get involved in EGU, contribute to building the geodynamics community and create a welcoming environment for ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards

You can be the next Early Career Scientist Representative for the NH Division!

You can be the next Early Career Scientist Representative for the NH Division!

The Division on Natural Hazards of the European Geosciences Union is looking for a new Early Career Scientist (ECS) representative (rep) and co-representative (co-rep) for the period 2024-2026. The outgoing rep (Silvia De Angeli) and co-rep (Negar Vakilifard) will be standing down officially at the EGU General Assembly 2024, so this is your opportunity to take these roles!   Why become an Ear ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: meet David Fernández-Blanco, your new Union-level Early Career Scientist Representative!

David Fernández-Blanco

Hello David. Thank you for agreeing to this interview! To break ground, could you tell our readers about yourself and your career background? Hi Simon. It’s my pleasure, thank you for inviting me. Well, I’m a Spanish “tectonicist” and I’ve been lucky to work in great institutions all over Europe; Amsterdam, Paris, Zürich, London, and Barcelona, where I live now… ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Heads Up: Early Career Hydrologists Highlights at EGU 2023

Heads Up: Early Career Hydrologists Highlights at EGU 2023

The upcoming annual EGU General assembly in Vienna is a fantastic opportunity for early career scientists (ECS) to engage with the international hydrological community, present their work, and build their networks.  But with the multitude of sessions, events, and lectures, it can be tricky to assemble your personal program – especially if it’s your first time attending EGU. We’ve got your ba ...[Read More]