Since late September, the eyes of the volcano world have turned to Gunung Agung. This prominent volcano in Bali last erupted in 1963, when it released enough sulphur dioxide to form a global stratospheric sulphate aerosol layer that led to vivid sunsets, and short-term global cooling. The 1963 eruption was one of the largest and deadliest in Indonesia in the 20th century; and many of the casualtie ...[Read More]
Lahar: Lost in translation?

Guntur volcano, Java. Original lithograph by Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn, and published in Johannes Muller's Beschreibung der Insel Java (1860). Oxford, Bodleian Library (OC) 246 h.70 opp. p. 109.
Guntur volcano - meaning 'thunder' in Javanese; 'torrent or flood' in Sundanese - was one of the most active volcanoes in Java in the early 19th century. During the eruption of October 1800, lahars inundated several villages near Guntur.