EGU Blogs



What do you wish that you had learned in Graduate School?

In the UK, the landscape of graduate doctoral training (for the PhD, or DPhil degree) in the field of environmental research is about to be radically reshaped.  The main funding agency for PhD training, the Natural Environment Research Council, is currently running a competition for Universities and other Research Organisations to run coordinated doctoral training programmes from next year (Octobe ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Interview: Jonathan Amos, BBC Science Correspondent

Jonathan Amos has been working as a science specialist for the BBC since 1994, and has won major awards for his online science reporting. He attended the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013 to write about the latest geoscience research and we saw some really popular stories emerging as a result of his reporting.  We spoke to Jonathan about science communication. c Should scientists le ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

GfGD at #EGU2013 – The Value of Student Placements

Yesterday afternoon, Joel Gill (GfGD’s National Director) gave a presentation within the ‘EOS7 – Geoethics and Geoeducation’ session at the EGU. This talk examined the value of placements in helping students to better contribute to sustainable development. Geologists have a lot of training in the field, as our recent photo series “Geologists in the Field” highli ...[Read More]


Conference report – EGU highlights, Day 4

Large international science conferences are extraordinary events. For a week at a time, scientists emerge from their offices and laboratories and join a throng of thousands, negotiating their way through tens of thousands of presentations across multiple parallel sessions. For many of those attending, the scale of the event is less important, though, than the opportunity the meeting presents for s ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

GfGD at #EGU2013: Day four

Our fourth day at EGU 2013, and not running low on energy (although pretty high on caffeine!). With the panel discussion on the use of blogs and social media in scientific research, our interview with the BBC science correspondent about science communication, and our #gfgdcomp question competition: communication is most definitely the theme of the day. Joel Gill, GfGD Director, gave a talk today a ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

GfGD at #EGU2013 – Day three

Mid-week at the EGU conference, and we’ve finally got all three GfGD reps in the same place at the same time for a photo! Another busy day, and we’ve picked out a few examples of the latest research being presented at EGU: c The Link Between Rainfall and Cholera in Haiti Prior to the devastating earthquake in 2010, cholera had never been reported on the small island of Haiti. The outbr ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

GfGD at #EGU2013: Day two

Here is an insight into what the GfGD team got up to on day two of #EGU2013! c Geoethics and Natural Hazards This morning saw sessions on ‘Geoethics and Natural Hazards’ that contained plenty of enthusiastic discussion on the L’Aquila case. Joel Gill, GfGD’s Director was there bright and early and covered the session on Twitter: Keep up with all of the GfGD team at #EGU2013 ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

GfGD at #EGU2013: Day one

The GfGD team have landed in Vienna for the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013! You can find Joel (GfGD Director), Rosalie (GfGD Blog Manager) and Faith (GfGD University Groups Officer) in sessions on hazards, water and climate (see our schedule highlights for the general plan!). We will be tweeting and blogging about the latest research from the press centre. Dangerous Phenomena I s ...[Read More]