Geology for Global Development

Geology for Global Development

Friday Photo (104): Blog Competition Prize Presentation

Earlier this year we announced the winners of our Blog Competition. We were very pleased to present the winners with their prizes and certificates at the recent GfGD Conference. From left to right… David Litchfield (Best Photograph), Philip Irwin (Best Blog), Robin Wylie (Best Blog), Rosalie Tostevin (GfGD National Committee) and Professor Alan Lord (Secretary for Foreign & External Affa ...[Read More]

EGU General Assembly 2014 – Some Session Highlights…

As noted on Monday we are delighted to have our national team involved in a number of sessions at the EGU General Assembly 2014 in Vienna, Austria. Today we outline a number of other sessions that may interest our readers… please do look at the full list, as we can’t profile every session on here!  Remember – abstracts for all of these sessions – and many more – can b ...[Read More]

GfGD at the EGU General Assembly 2014

Following the success of our own conference last month and the great opportunities we have had to get involved in the EGU over the past couple of years, we are delighted to be involved in a number of sessions at the 2014 General Assembly in Vienna, Austria. Collaborating with other partners and convenors, these sessions will give students and academics the opportunity to profile research that is a ...[Read More]

GfGD Fundraising Calendars

Those of you at our recent GfGD Conference will have had the opportunity to get your hands on one of our lovely GfGD fundraising calendars. The great news is that we have some of these left and so are able to give you the opportunity to get one (or more) – making perfect Christmas presents for your friends and family, or just a treat for yourself. The calendars are available for the bargain ...[Read More]