Geology for Global Development

Geology for Global Development

Guest Blog: The Influence of Himalayan Geology

Amber Madden-Nadeau is studying Geology at Imperial College London. Amber recently wrote a report on the geology of the Himalayas, with a focus on the Ladakh region, as part of our hazards education project. Here, Amber summarises the important aspects of Himalayan geology and the influence they have on people’s lives.    The Himalaya mountain range stretches over 2500km, influencing th ...[Read More]

Hazards Education Booklet: Call for Contributions

GfGD are involved in an international project on Sustainable Resource Development of the Himalaya (see, which will cumulate in the delivery of a students’ programme in Ladakh, India, in June 2014. We are inviting students from across our network to submit material to be included in a booklet that will be used during teaching, and also given to the participating ...[Read More]