Geology for Global Development

Geology for Global Development

Save The Date – GfGD National Conference 2014

Following the success of our first National Conference in October 2013, we are very pleased to announce that Friday 19th September 2014 has now been booked for our next conference… On Friday 19th September we hope to again gather over 150 young geoscientists for a one-day event, exploring further the role of geoscience within international development. As was the case last year, our conferen ...[Read More]

Website Resources…

There are a number of ways in which you can keep in touch with our work, including Facebook and Twitter. We also have a full website, with a range of articles and resources. Here are a few things that you may find interesting… GfGD in the News – A series of articles from 2011-2013 that talk about our work. Himalayas Education Project – Articles on the project background, hazardsc ...[Read More]

Field Research in Guatemala (4) – Reflections from Fuego

  Joel Gill (GfGD Founding Director) continues his live reporting from Guatemala, discussing his interdisciplinary field research relating to natural hazard interactions and disaster risk reduction. This fieldwork forms part of a NERC/ESRC funded PhD, supervised by staff in the Department of Geography at King’s College London. Over the past few weeks I’ve had the opportunity to see some remar ...[Read More]