Geology for Global Development

Geology for Global Development

#EGU16: Geoscience and the Sustainable Development Goals

At #EGU16? On Thursday we’ll be partnering with Parsquake and academics from the University of Tübingen to host an interactive, public splinter meeting on “Geoscience and the Sustainable Development Goals“! We’ll be posting resources from the meeting on our website after the event.

GfGD at EGU16 – Summary Poster

Attending #EGU16? Come along to one of the events in the image above to find out more about our work, and the role of geoscience in global development frameworks! Not attending EGU16?  We’ll be posting slides/poster downloads from all GfGD contributions on our website after the event. You can see some commentary throughout the week on both the GfGD Twitter feed (@Geo_Dev) and my personal account ( ...[Read More]

GfGD at the EGU General Assembly 2016

The EGU General Assembly is an annual gathering of thousands of geoscientists from all over the world, taking place this year in Vienna from 17-22nd April. It has been a regular feature of my personal research calendar since 2012, becoming a great opportunity to also talk about GfGD and learn from others engaged in development activities. The EGU Programme includes 10,000+ abstracts, covering all ...[Read More]

Putting Science at the Heart of Development

Putting Science at the Heart of Development

Sue Desmond-Hellman (CEO of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) and Nick Hurd (Minister for International Development, DFID – UK Department for International Development) have written a joint article on putting science at the heart of development. “If we are going to end extreme poverty, it’s going to take more than additional funds or deeper commitment, however. We are going to have ...[Read More]