Barbara shares ideas on effective science communication. She explains why we should be interested, based on her own observations of emerging movements such as Flat Earthers and climate change deniers in the US and Brazil. How can we build trust in science? I would like to make an invitation to all my fellow scientists. Let’s make our research accessible! Use social media, Instagram, YouTube, Twitt ...[Read More]
What role should academic institutions be playing in changing people’s perception towards Geosciences?

During her time at a mining school Hannah Ritchie wondered why the GfGD society membership was so low. How do people perceive geology’s ability to contribute to a sustainable future? Hannah explores the traditional and changing reputation of geology and the roles academic institutions could play in directing this change. [Editor’s note: This post reflects Hannah’s personal opinions. These opinions ...[Read More]
Changing patterns of respiratory infection outbreaks under a changing climate. How is the La Nina Climate Cycle linked to Increased Diarrhea in Botswana? Positive climate change stories. Jesse Zondervan’s end-of-2019 #GfGDpicks #SciComm

Each month, Jesse Zondervan picks his favourite posts from geoscience and development blogs/news which cover the geology for global development interest. Here’s a round-up of Jesse’s favourite selections for the last three months of 2019: As the world is gripped by the 2019 Novel Coronavirus, research published in Nature Communications finds respiratory infection outbreaks could become less severe ...[Read More]
Necessary Evils in Transitioning to a Sustainable Future
Robert Emberson can’t help but wondering how geoscience, whilst having great potential for helping sustainable development, has been fueling polluting industries for centuries. Should geoscientists shy away completely from engaging with traditional industries? What are their roles and geoscientists’ roles in transitioning to a more sustainable world? [Editor’s note: This post reflects ...[Read More]